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Pricing insights: Overview
Last updated on Sep 24, 2024
Reading time: 5 min

The Pricing insights dashboard in Seller Center displays important account-level pricing performance metrics and SKU-level pricing information to help you identify pricing opportunities. In this guide, you’ll learn how to use the Pricing insights dashboard 

How does it work?

The Pricing insights dashboard allows you to manage the prices in your catalog. There are two metrics you can track your pricing performance through:  

  • Price competitiveness: This metric is a measure of your catalog’s price parity against external competition.  If your items receive higher page views, they’ll have a larger impact compared to items with lower page views. Items receiving no page views in the given time frame will not have any impact on this score. 
  • Buy Box win rate: This metric is a measure of the overall percentage of page views where your offers are winning the Buy Box. For example, a 60% Buy Box win rate would indicate that you’re the Buy Box winner for 60% of all page views that your items are receiving.

Additional guidelines

In the Pricing insights dashboard, there is a SKU-level table display of all your items along with several relevant data column fields. Those fields are defined below: 



Buy Box eligible 

Indicates if the offer is eligible for the Buy Box. Review Pricing rules for more details.  

Buy Box price 

The item price of the winning Buy Box listing for an item when the report was generated. An alert icon indicates that your offer isn’t winning the Buy Box. Check to see if the price on your offer is lower than the Buy Box price. 

Buy Box win rate  

A measure of the overall percentage of page views where your offer is winning the Buy Box. 

Cap status 

Shows whether there are pricing incentives being applied to this item. 

Comparison price 

The reference price that determines pricing discounts or promotion on It’s defined by an item’s Was Price or List Price.  For more details, visit Comparison price rules.  

Competitive price 

The price of the item on another e-commerce site. If no comparable item is found or there's a mismatch, select Submit a Match and follow the next steps.  An alert icon indicates that your price is higher than the competitive price.  

Current price 

The price you're currently charging for this item.  

Est commission  

The estimated commission that’ll be charged on this item. 


Specifies the fulfillment method for the SKU.  


The number of items available to customers on For more details on inventory, review this guide.  

Item name 

The name you've provided for your item. 

Item ID 

An ID used internally to track items. This ID can be found at the end of the Item Page URL for that item.  

Item condition  

Identifies the condition of the item being sold. 


Indicates whether your item is Retired or Active.  

Original selling price 

The price you've set for this item before any promotions or programs. 

Product category 

The group that your item belongs to. We determine this based on the category you used when uploading your items.  

Repricer status 

The last recorded status for items assigned to a Repricer strategy.  

  • Active indicates that the item is being actively repriced.  

  • Needs Action indicates that while the item has been onboarded to the Repricer, it’s not being repriced due to the target price being lower than your minimum allowed price, a competitive target price wasn’t found on your item or because your item is on promotion, and you have elected to not reprice your items.   

  • Paused indicates that the item is onboarded on a strategy that has been paused. 

  • Enroll in Repricer indicates items that are not yet onboarded to the Repricer.  

Repricer strategy 

The assigned pricing strategy that’ll adjust the price of the item within the parameters you’ve set.  

Repricer min price 

The lowest price you're willing to sell your item for. Your pricing strategy will never go below this amount.  

Repricer max price 

The highest price you're willing to sell your item for. Your pricing strategy will never go above this amount.  


The SKU you provided for this item.  


Indicates whether the item is published or unpublished on  

Status change  

The reason why your status has changed from Published to Unpublished.  

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