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Submit an external price match
Last updated on {publishedDate}
Reading time: 2 min

Walmart uses data from external websites as a reference to ensure Walmart Marketplace listings are fairly priced. In this guide, we’ll show you how to proactively submit a comparable external item for Walmart to use as a reference and we’ll show you how to report an incorrect external price match if found.

Submit an external price match 

If your Marketplace item doesn’t have an existing external price match listed, you can proactively submit an external price match in a few ways.  

What should I do?  

We recommend submitting the price match when you initially set up an item in your catalog, but you can also submit the price match using Seller Center tools like the Listing quality dashboard.

Report price mismatches 

In rare situations, your Walmart listing could be incorrectly matched to an item or a variant of the same item, listed on an external Marketplace site. If your Walmart offer is priced egregiously in excess of prices currently or recently offered for the same item on a competing website or priced at a level that could potentially be viewed as price gouging, or other unfair or abusive pricing practice or incorrectly matched to the external listing, it could be unpublished from Walmart.com.  

What should I do?  

If this happens, you can check the Listing quality dashboard in Seller Center which will display items that have been unpublished due to Reasonable Price Not Satisfied. If the external match listed on the dashboard is correct, you should update your price to be competitive. If the external match is incorrect, you can submit an ASIN of a comparable item right from the Unpublished Items dashboard. 

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