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At Walmart, we’ve enacted automated rules that identify and remove offers from that are so highly uncompetitive or unfairly priced they could potentially harm customers and impact the overall shopping experience. Failure to adhere to the pricing rules or other Walmart Marketplace retailer policies may result in account suspension and or termination. In this guide, you’ll learn more about these rules.
What is the policy?
Pricing rule
The Pricing Rule will automatically unpublish offers from Walmart Marketplace that are priced egregiously higher than prices currently or recently offered for the same item on, a competing website or priced at a level that could potentially be viewed as price gouging, or other unfair or abusive pricing practices. Walmart reviews the offer’s listing price and shipping fee to determine whether an offer is compliant with our Pricing Rule.
If any offers are flagged by this Pricing Rule, Walmart automatically unpublishes the offer in question. If you’ve subscribed to Seller Center notifications, you’ll be notified via email and in Seller Center. Alternatively, you can check the Unpublished Items dashboard or download an item report in Seller Center to identify which items have been affected. The reason code will be listed as Reasonable Price Not Satisfied in the report.
Market conditions change frequently. We encourage you to monitor prices on an ongoing basis to ensure you can remain competitive. Alternatively, you can use the Repricer to enable automatic price adjustments.
Egregious Shipping Cost
The Egregious Shipping Cost rule automatically unpublishes offers from if the shipping fee associated with your offer is considered unacceptably high.
Offers with low prices and unreasonably high shipping fees won’t be eligible for Buy Box boosts or site search prominence. Walmart will unpublish any Marketplace offers that violate the Egregious Shipping Cost rule. Preventive and corrective actions may be taken as circumstances warrant for repeated violations of our Egregious Shipping Cost rules or for items with unfair shipping fees that could potentially harm customers and impact the overall shopping experience.
You’re limited to 10 shipping cost edits per day for each Shipping Template. If you exceed this threshold, your Shipping Template will be locked for 24 hours. Wait 24 hours before proceeding to edit the existing template.
Buy Box Ineligibility
Walmart’s Buy Box features an offer based on factors like competitive pricing, shipping speed, shipping cost, inventory in-stock rates, high-quality listing content and post-purchase customer experience. In certain cases where the offer is priced substantially higher than prices currently or recently offered on or on competing sites, but not at a level requiring automatic unpublishing, we’ll remove the Add to Cart button, as well as the offer details such as price and shipping from the item page. Customers can still purchase the item via the More Seller Options transaction flow.
This policy protects customers and Marketplace sellers. If your item is flagged by this rule, you can generate an Item Report in Seller Center to identify affected items or if you’ve subscribed to Seller Center notifications, you’ll be notified via email and in Seller Center. If an item is not eligible for Buy Box, the Buy Box eligible column will be displayed as “No” in the Item Report.
The information found within this policy and the related hyperlinks is for general informational purposes only and is not considered legal advice. This policy may contain links to third-party content which Walmart does not warrant, endorse or assume liability for and your reliance on such content is solely at your own discretion.