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Troubleshoot WFS inbound order issues
Last updated on May 31, 2024
Reading time: 3 min

You might have issues submitting an inbound order due to incorrect information or a system error. Here are common errors and ways to resolve them.

Error messages and action items 

Error message

Next steps

Expected Delivery Date should be of future and not the past

Reset the expected delivery date so it's set in the future.

expectedDeliveryDate cannot be null/empty

Enter an expected delivery date.

itemQty should be product of innerPack Qty and vendorPackQty

The item quantity must equal the product of the vendor pack and inner pack quantities.

postalCode cannot be null/empty

Enter a zip code.

Shipment Plan is already created for this inbound order

This inbound order ID already exists. Enter a new one.

innerPackQty should be great then zero

Enter an inner pack quantity greater than 0.

vendorPackQty should be great then zero

Enter a vendor pack quantity greater than 0.

sellerId and inboundOrderId is mandatory

Row 1 with Inbound Order ID is missing. If it was deleted, add it back or download a new template.

addressLine1 is invalid .enter valid addressLine1 String in english language characters

Address must be in English.

Error parsing json input

The template is missing required rows or columns. If they were deleted, add them back or download a new template.

Items Dimensions are not suitable for creating po for sku

Item dimensions aren't eligible for Walmart-fulfilled. Check the dimensions.

itemQty should be great then zero

Enter an item quantity greater than 0.

OrderItem in create Shipment request is repeated more than once

Make sure items are only entered once.

productType is invalid

Product type ID must be GTIN, UPC, or EAN.

productId with productType GTIN should be 14 digit

GTIN must be 14 digits. If your GTIN is correct but shorter than 14 digits, add zeros in front.

Product ID with Product Type UPC should be 12 digit

UPC must be 12 digits. 

Item is not WFS Eligible for sku

The following items are prohibited. See our Prohibited Products Policy or select the Help button in the Seller Center menu bar to contact Support.

Products in the same Inbound Order template cannot have different Expected Delivery Date.

All items must have the same expected delivery date.

inboundOrderId is invalid .enter valid inboundOrderId String in english language and without '?','/','|','\','+','#' characters

Inbound Order ID is invalid. Use only English letters, numbers, or these special characters: -, _ 

Item information is not present for sku, Please set it up as Walmart Fulfilled item in the Seller Center.

We couldn't verify the item information. Make sure it's set to Walmart-fulfilled.

itemDesc length cannot be greater than 450 chars

Item description must be shorter than 450 characters.

itemDesc cannot be null/empty

Enter an item description.

addressLine1 cannot be null/empty

Enter an address.

countryCode cannot be null/empty

Enter a country code.

stateCode code cannot be more then 10 chars

State code must be 2 letters only.

city is invalid .enter valid city String in english language characters

City must be in English.

postalCode is invalid .enter valid postalCode

Zip code is invalid. Check for errors and try again.

number of items should be more then one and less then five thousand

Check that you've added at least 1 item and no more than 5,000.

If you submitted an inbound order template, our system will automatically check it and create an error report that will appear in a pop-up window. Select Download errors to download the error report. Make corrections and then resubmit the template.


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