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The Seller Code of Conduct provides the basis for creating a safe and fair Marketplace for you and customers. You’re expected to manage your Marketplace business honestly and comply with the Seller Code of Conduct. Failure to adhere to the Seller Code of Conduct or other policy may result in the removal of listings, account suspension or account termination. Additional details of the Seller Code of Conduct are provided below.
What is the policy?
To adhere to the Seller Code of Conduct, you agree to the following policies:
1. Act fairly and with respect
Acting with integrity and respect are core to the Walmart Code of Conduct. As a Marketplace seller, you’re expected to treat customers, other sellers and Walmart associates with respect.
Examples of unfair activities and disrespectful behavior include but aren’t limited to:
Sharing customer information with a third party or initiating unsolicited contact with a customer.
Misusing customer personal information and contacting customers for any reason outside of Walmart policies. The misuse of customer personal information includes sending unsolicited messages by any mechanism (e.g., text messages, marketing emails, letters or phone calls) to customers. Failure to adhere to Walmart’s policies may result in account suspension or termination.
Providing misleading or inaccurate item information to Walmart or the customer.
Increasing the retail price after an order has been completed.
Creating offers with highly uncompetitive or unfairly priced shipping costs in violation of our Pricing rules.
Attempting to influence or inflate customer reviews and ratings for your items.
Attempting to influence or damage another seller’s reviews, ratings or listed items.
Sending a customer an item that is materially different from the listed item that was ordered by the customer (e.g., no substitutions).
Engaging in any inappropriate or offensive behavior, including name-calling, harassment or any otherwise unprofessional conduct meant to belittle, intimidate and threaten, or using any profanity or otherwise vulgar language or imagery as outlined in our Prohibited Products Policies. This applies to all of your activities, including but not limited to:
Listing content.
Information provided on your account.
Information provided on your “About Seller” page.
Communication between you and Walmart and/or between you and customers.
- Attempting to override a Marketplace policy or overturn a seller account decision.
- Failure to act in good faith and partnership when receiving account guidance or support from a Walmart associate.
2. Provide accurate information
You must provide accurate and current information to Walmart and customers for all item listings and seller account information found on your Company Info page in Seller Center. For example, you must use a business and display name that you’re legally authorized to use and accurately identifies your business. It must be unique and customer-friendly. Below are additional requirements for your display name.
Required | Prohibited |
3. Diverting customers or transactions
Any attempt to circumvent the Walmart sales process or divert customers is prohibited. Examples of activities to divert or redirect customers include:
Use of advertisements, marketing offers and promotional materials in customer communication or order fulfillment.
Including hyperlinks, URLs, third-party website or selling platform information in item content, account information or other communications visible to customers.
4. Practice responsible communication with customers
Don’t send unsolicited communications to customers except that which is necessary for completing an order or providing customer service. All communications to customers must be sent through the Seller Center and abide by the guidelines outlined in the Customer Care Policy.
5. Meet the Seller Performance Standards
There are five key performance metrics that comprise the Seller Performance Standards: Cancellation Rate, On-Time Delivery Rate (OTD), Refund Rate, Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) and Seller Response Rate. It’s your responsibility to review account performance and proactively improve performance metrics not meeting standards. You can view your performance metrics at any time via the Performance dashboard in Seller Center.
6. Adhere to all retailer policies
All Walmart Marketplace sellers are responsible for being aware of and compliant with all Walmart Marketplace seller retailer policies. Failure to adhere may result in account suspension or termination from the Marketplace program.
The information found within this policy and the related hyperlinks is for general informational purposes only and is not considered legal advice. This policy may contain links to third party content, which Walmart does not warrant, endorse, or assume liability for and your reliance on such content is solely at your own discretion.