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Manage a Variant Group
Last updated on Dec 17, 2024
Reading time: 5 min

Once a product variant group is live on Walmart.com, you may need to make adjustments to it. This guide shows you how to add or remove items from an existing variant group, combine two variant groups into a single group, separate a group into two groups or add new variant attributes.

Add items to an existing group 

Via the Catalog page 

Navigate to your Catalog in Seller Center. Select Items on the left side of the screen, then select the Filters button next to the search bar. Next, select Variants Variant item > Apply. This will filter your screen to show only your variant groups. Find the group you want to edit, then hover over it and select the Variant item button when it appears. This will show you every item in your group. 

Selecting the Variant item button shows you every item in your variant group. From here, you can add or remove items. 


Navigate to your Catalog in Seller Center. Select Items on the left side of the screen. From the Update Items dropdown in the upper right corner, select Update with GTINs. In the Update with GTINs dialog box, enter your GTINs and select your fulfillment method. Select Create file to download the template. 

Once you’ve made updates to the template, upload it by dragging and dropping the file from your desktop, or selecting it via your file finder. This will add or remove the item from your variant group. 

You can add or remove items from variant groups by downloading, modifying and uploading the template.

Remove items from an existing group 

Via the Catalog page 

Select Items on the left side of the screen, then select the Filters button next to the search bar. Next, select Variants Variant item > Apply. This will filter your screen to show only your variant groups. Find the group you want to edit, then hover over it and select the Variant item button when it appears. This will show you every item in your group. 

Select the check box next to the item you want to remove from the group, then select the More actions dropdown in the upper right corner and choose Remove variants

Via GTINs 

Navigate to your Catalog page in Seller Center and select Items on the left side of the screen. From the Update Items dropdown in the upper right corner, select Update with GTINs. In the Update with GTINs dialog box, enter your GTINs and select your fulfillment method. Select Create file to download the template.

To remove an item, find or search for the Remove from Variant Group? column and choose Yes from the dropdown in the row that corresponds with the item. 

Once you’ve made updates to the template, upload it by dragging and dropping the file from your desktop, or selecting it via your file finder. This will add or remove the item from your variant group. 


It can take up to four hours for your changes to be reflected on Walmart.com. If another seller or Walmart offers your item in a merged variant group, it will not be removed from the merged group that appears on Walmart.com. 

Combine or separate groups 

You can combine or separate variant groups using the Update all attributes template. 

Combine variant groups 

Navigate to the Items dashboard by selecting Items on the right side of the screen. From the Update Items dropdown in the upper right corner, select Update with file. On the Update with file dialog box, select Update all attributes. Choose your item’s product category, product type and fulfillment method. Finally, select Download to download the template. 


Find the groups you want to combine, then set the same Variant Group ID for all items in all groups. Ensure all the other parameters (Variant Attribute NameSwatch Variant Attribute, etc.) are identical as well. 


Once you’ve made updates to the template, upload it by dragging and dropping the file from your desktop, or selecting it via your file finder. This will add or remove the item from your variant group. 


Variant Attributes must match when combining groups. For example, if group 001 is divided by colors and group 002 by sizes, then the items in the combined group must include values in both color and size to merge successfully. Please ensure you provide swatch image URLs for each line when you upload the template, or you may lose the images.

Separate a single variant group into two groups 

Navigate to the Itemsdashboard by selecting Items on the right side of the screen. From the Update Items dropdown in the upper right corner, select Update with file. On the Update with file dialog box, select Update all attributes. Choose your item’s product category, product type and fulfillment method. Finally, select Download to download the template. 


To separate a single group into two groups, in the template, assign a new Variant Group ID to the items you want to remove from your existing group and include in your new group. Configure all necessary variant group parameters for the new group as well —see Product Variants: Create a Variant Group for guidelines. 


Once you’ve made updates to the template, upload it by dragging and dropping the file from your desktop, or selecting it via your file finder. This will add or remove the item from your variant group.

Add new variant attributes 

You can add new Variant Attributes to a variant group using the Update all attribute template—for example, if you need to add Fit as an attribute for a group that already includes Size and Color


Navigate to the Itemsdashboard by selecting Items on the right side of the screen. From the Update Items dropdown in the upper right corner, select Update with GTINs. In the Update with GTINs dialog box, enter your GTINs and select your fulfillment method. Select Create file to download the template. 


In the template, add a column for the new Attribute you want to include and fill it out—e.g., Clothing Fit. Complete the column so it corresponds with the new Variant Attribute, as seen in the example below. You can continue adding additional columns for additional Variant Attributes as needed. 

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