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Categorization and item attribution are integral to determining how your items will appear in search and browse results on and other search engines, like Google.
How does it work?
When setting up a new item on Walmart Marketplace in bulk or individually, you’ll need to determine the product category, product type group and product type. These characteristics determine the relevant item attributes that you can choose from. Choosing the correct product type category is important because it can impact everything from shelving to sales.
A Product Category is a grouping of like items that may contain many products (example: animals).
A Product Type Group is a collection of products that share similar properties (example: animal grooming).
A Product Type is a specified item type with a specific set of attributes that define that product (example: animal shampoos). Before setting up your Marketplace catalog, you can review Content standards: Overview to help you identify the correct product category and product types for your items.
Additional guidelines
Attributes are features that describe an item–like color, material or size–and are required for every item sold on Without attributes, customers will likely have a hard time finding your items on During the item setup process, you'll have the chance to add attributes and you can use the same attributes in your product title, description and key features.
High-quality attributes can also lead to better product discoverability and visibility, not only on but on other search engines as well.
For information on item attribution best practices, review Product detail page: Overview.