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Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS)
Walmart collects and remits product taxes and fees directly to tax authorities for certain products shipped to specified states. In this guide, you’ll find out which products may be subject to fees and the states where Walmart will collect and remit the taxes and fees.
How does it work?
As of January 2023, Walmart will collect and remit Tire Recycling Fees and Wireless Telephone Fees for orders shipped to Oklahoma. Any other product fees and taxes will be collected by Walmart and sent to you for appropriate remittance. The collection of these taxes and fees is based on the product type that is assigned to the item being sold.
Product examples with fees you’re responsible for includes but not limited to, electronic waste, tires, batteries, bottle deposits, mattress recycling and water goods. For more information on the different types of product fees or taxes and compliance requirements, visit Tax Collection and Remittance Policy Addendum and consult your tax advisor.