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Troubleshoot product variant errors
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When making changes to your variant groups, you may get an error. This guide can help you troubleshoot and correct these errors. If you’re unsure of how to add or remove items from your variant groups and need guidance, check out Manage a Variant Group. 

Troubleshoot product variant errors 

1. Error: "Each variant group ID can only show up to 1,000 items on site. Please ensure your group has a maximum of 999 items."

What should I do? You’ve exceeded the item limit for variant groups and You need to remove items from this group or split this group in two. Check out Manage a Variant Group to learn how.  

2. Error: "Multiple items have the same values for their variant attributes. Please provide unique values or add more product variations to ensure your items are shown on site." 

What should I do?

You have multiple products in a variant group that have similar values, such as Color or Size and there are two potential solutions:  

  1. Make the Product Variation values unique. For example, if two items currently vary by the same color (e.g., blue), change one of them to a different color (e.g., navy blue); or  

  2. Select additional Product Variations to make unique combinations of values. For example, if two items currently vary by the same color, add the Product Variation for Size so the combination of values is different—e.g., item A will be blue/small and item B will be blue/medium.

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