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If you intend on selling on the U.S. Marketplace, you’re required to provide a business tax ID or business license number, and supporting documentation to confirm your company’s credentials. Keep reading below to find out your tax classification and what documentation is required for your country of incorporation.
How does it work?
If you are a U.S.-based seller with an Employer Identification Number (EIN) and your country of incorporation is in the United States, your tax classification is W-9. We may ask for additional documentation, such as a copy of IRS CP575, 147c, or CP148B. If you don't have a U.S. Business Tax ID, you can apply for one here.
If you have an EIN and your country of incorporation is not the United States, your tax classification is W-8ECI. To be eligible to sell on Walmart Marketplace you're required to include a copy of IRS CP575 or 147c.
If you don't have an EIN and your country of incorporation is not the United States, your tax classification is W-8BEN-E. We currently support this tax classification for sellers from China, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (U.K.), Japan, Canada, Mexico, India, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Germany, Vietnam, Thailand and Turkey.
We currently only support this tax classification if you’re a sole proprietor from Mexico or if your country of incorporation is India.
Additional guidelines
To successfully set up your account, you must also have the tax information for your business in the selected country of incorporation along with a personal ID of the applicant or legal representative, business address, legal business name and business phone number. This table shows the required proof needed for W-8BEN-E and W-8BEN sellers from the countries listed above.
Country of Incorporation | Required documents |
Canada |
Chile |
China |
Germany |
Hong Kong |
India (excluding sole proprietors) |
India (sole proprietors only) |
Japan |
Mexico |
Singapore |
South Korea |
Taiwan |
Thailand |
Turkey |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Vietnam |
Sellers in China need to provide the details of their business’s legal representative — including a phone number — to complete the verification process.