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Update tax information in Seller Center
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Reading time: 3 min

If you need to make updates to your business details such as your tax classification, country of incorporation, Employer Identification Number (EIN) or business address you can do so by updating your Tax Profile in Seller Center. You can only make updates to your Tax Profile details if you have an administrator account. If you have an administrator account, keep reading to learn how to make updates in Seller Center.

Update your tax information

Step 1 – Get started 

In Seller Center, select the Settings icon and then select Tax Profile under the Financial Settings heading. This dashboard displays your company’s tax information. Review each field for accuracy. 


Step 2 – Update info and select a reason for the change 

If you need to make changes, or if the details are empty, select the Edit Tax Profile button and fill out the required fields, including your legal business name, address, and EIN.


Only admin users can make updates to Tax Profile details. You can’t select the Edit Tax Profile button if you submitted changes recently and they are still under review. You can’t proceed with your updates until you provide the required documentation. Failure to provide the correct information may delay your request. 

Step 3 – Submit and review

Some updates require you to provide additional details, including a reason for the change and supporting documentation. Once you’ve included your reason, select the Submit Changes button at the bottom of the page. Our Trust & Safety team reviews all tax profile changes and may require detailed review in accordance with our verification and compliance procedures. 

During the review process, you’ll see a message that we are still reviewing a previous update. You cannot update your tax profile until the review is complete. If your submission was approved, the submitted changes are effective immediately and you don’t have to take any further action.


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