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Delivery Setup
What is Cold Chain?
How does batching work?
How does catchment area work?
How do I customize my company's Live Order Tracking page?
- Show a title on the page and customize the name of the title
- Include a link that sends customers to another page (like the client's homepage): This link displays in the top-right corner of the LOT page
- Customize the base URL of the LOT page: The base URL can be customized to a client-owned branded domain instead of our generic base URL:
How do I add driver instructions?
How do I change pickup hours?
What happens if a client turns on Proof of Delivery?
What is Geofencing?
Display driver locations, as well as, pick-up and drop-off locations in near-real time.
Initiate events based on proximity of delivery service providers so that pickups are ready in time and customers are notified when their delivery is arriving.
Pickup Point Setup
The address I entered isn't accepted when setting up a Pickup Point
How do I remove one of my Pickup Points?
What is the difference between "Cancel request by client" and "Canceled by client"?
Dispatcher and Delivery Tracking (and Orders)
Can I track a delivery?
You can track a delivery in Client Center Dispatcher. The progress and status of each delivery is listed on the main dashboard.
Clients and customers can also use the Live Order Tracking page set up during delivery configuration to track deliveries. The Live Order Tracking URL is shared in our webhook and Get Delivery Details API. Clients can also access driver location via webhook updates.
I want to set a custom date range for deliveries in Client Center Dispatcher
Go to Client Center Dispatcher and find the Delivery Date drop-down menu in the top-right. Select Custom to set a specific delivery date range.
How do I cancel a delivery?
You can cancel a delivery using Client Center Dispatcher. Learn how to do that here.
How do I switch drivers for a delivery?
Client Center Dispatcher does not allow the user to select a specific or new driver for a delivery. Work with a Spark Dispatching Agent or Spark Dispatcher to do this.
Walmart GoLocal does have a platform level feature, Driver Auto-Reassignment, that's turned on for all the clients.
When this feature is live and a Spark driver cancels within the delivery slot, Walmart GoLocal has the capability to automatically add the delivery opportunity back into the Spark Driver app queue so that another driver can quickly pick it up. This means that when a driver cancels, the system finds a new driver for that delivery. No manual intervention is needed and the system will automatically attempt to find a new driver until the end of the delivery slot.
Where can I find an order ID?
The Order ID can be found under the Order Details column on the Client Center Dispatcher dashboard.
Where can I see delivery details?
Client Center Dispatcher shows a real-time view for all the info you need to know about a delivery and order, including the carrier (Spark and third-party), customer's name, address, special instructions, and much more.
You can find delivery and order details using Client Center Dispatcher. Simply open Client Center Dispatcher, find the delivery/order you're looking for using the search bars, and click the order number under the Order Details column.
What's the difference between a Pickup Point ID, a Parent Pickup Point ID, and an External ID?
Pickup Point ID: A 6-digit numerical value ID Go Local assigns to each Pickup Point location. This ID is created internally and displayed under the Pickup Point name in page header when viewing the location under the Pickup Points tab.
Parent Pickup Point ID: This value used when needing to associate a single location with multiple sub-pickup points (ex: front of store, back loading dock). This is not used for delivery. It sets up a hierarchy of Pickup Points when applicable.
External Pickup Point ID: This is intended to be an ID that the client's company already uses internally for the Pickup Point location (e.g., the store number, the curbside pickup location ID). The ID you enter here is assigned to the client's Pickup Point in Client Center Dispatcher and used for API integrations. This can be a max of 20-digit, alpha, numeric, and special characters.
Can I add an additional driver to a delivery?
Yes, click Add Additional Driver from the ... on the Client Center Dispatcher dashboard page, or click into the delivery to pull up the delivery details, and select Add Additional Driver from the Actions drop-down on that screen.
Can I reschedule a delivery?
Yes, a delivery can be rescheduled up to seven times! Use the Reschedule Delivery Request option in the Client Center Dispatcher list view by clicking the three-dots button on the far-right hand corner of each delivery. This option is also available in the Actions drop-down on the Delivery Details window accessible by clicking the delivery details hyperlink.
Can I view rescheduled deliveries in Dispatcher?
Yes, the rescheduled deliveries are marked with a “Rescheduled” label in Client Center making them easily identifiable. The labels on the Dispatcher dashboard show the original delivery was canceled, rescheduled, and a new delivery was requested. You can search by Order ID to display the search results showing the order was rescheduled and a new delivery was requested.
Can I track rescheduled deliveries?
A rescheduled delivery is linked to its original delivery through a hyperlink in the Delivery Details window. You can toggle and view both the old and new delivery details. This way, you can easily track the original delivery and the new delivery details on the Dispatcher dashboard regardless of what the search criteria is.
Why did my delivery request fail?
Unless oversized delivery is enabled, order requests must meet these size specifications to be eligible for delivery:
Orders can’t weigh more than 350 lb.
Order volume can’t be more than 32 cu. ft.
If weight and volume are not specified, order size is required in the delivery request.
Order weight validations include:
Small (S): 50 lb.
Medium (M): 150 lb.
Large (L): 300 lb.
Extra-Large (XL): 350 lb.
Any order over 350 lb. (size XL) isn’t eligible for delivery, and the request will fail.
Order volume validations include:
Small (S): 4 cu. ft.
Medium (M): 6 cu. ft.
Large (L): 8 cu. ft.
Extra-Large: 32 cu. ft.
Any order over 32 cu. ft. (Extra-Large) isn’t eligible for delivery, and the request will fail.
If an order doesn't meet these specifications, the call will fail.
How do you determine if an order should be assigned to a secondary carrier?
A Book Delivery API call is made with order weight, order volume, max. item weight, or max. item dimensions - either provided in the delivery request or it can be calculated. If oversized delivery is enabled, the order is assigned to a secondary (oversized) carrier if any one of these conditions is true:
187 cu. ft. ≥ Order volume > 32 cu. ft.
2000 lb. ≥ Order weight > 350 lb.
250 lb. ≥ Max. item weight > 50 lb.
84 in. ≥ Max. item dimension > 60 in.
What happens if a Book Delivery API call is made without any order-level weight data in the payload, but item weights are present in the Book Delivery API payload?
What happens if a Book Delivery API call is made without any order-level volume or dimensions data in the payload, but item dimensions are present in the Book Delivery API payload?
What happens if a Book Delivery API call is made with order-level volume or dimensions data in the payload; but item dimensions or item weights are also present in the Book Delivery API payload?
What happens if a Book Delivery API call is made by the client, but the call is without an order-level/item-level weight, volume, or dimensions data in the payload?
How does Smart Geofencing work?
If a customer's drop-off location is a home address verified by the Address Matching System (AMS), the driver must be within a 250-meter radius of the address to be able to indicate At Drop-off Location in the app. If the driver is not in a 250-meter radius, they’ll receive a prompt to notify they’re not at the correct location.
For apartments, the driver must be within a 500-meter radius of the drop-off location.
For unverified addresses, the driver would be able to continue the delivery after three swipe attempts.
User Management
How do I switch a user's role?
You can change a user's role by editing the user. Learn how to do so here.
How do I add a user?
How do I remove a user?
Can I edit a user?
Account Management
What happens when a Client Center account password expires?
The password expires every 90 days. If your password expires, at the next login you'll be prompted to change your password and log in again. You won’t be able to log in and access Client Center until you've change the password.
Why is my Client Center account deactivated?
For First-Time Users
How do I log in to Client Center for the first time?
Go to and use your credentials to log in to Client Center.