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Products subject to our policy on Textiles and Apparel must also adhere to other Prohibited Products Policies including our policy on Animal Products, Home Goods, Hazardous Products and Recalled Products or Walmart will automatically unpublish your item.
What is the policy?
Textiles and textile products, including apparel, are allowed on Walmart Marketplace if they are compliantly labeled and advertised pursuant to Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requirements and guidance, and comply with Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) requirements and guidance. Textiles and textile products on Walmart Marketplace must also adhere to all other relevant consumer protection and product safety laws (existing or implemented in the future), including those not specifically listed below.
Additional Information
Textiles and textile products, including apparel, must adhere to FTC and CPSC requirements for advertising, labeling and sale. This requires accurately labeling and advertising textiles and textile products in accordance with guidelines set forth by the FTC, including, but not limited to, properly listing the fiber content, country of origin, and the identity of the manufacturer or business entity responsible for marketing or handling the product. Apparel products and accessories made from textiles must also adhere to this policy. On Walmart Marketplace, the information required by these laws must additionally be disclosed to the customer on the website listing at point of sale.
Policy basics
Prohibited | Allowed with Restriction |
The information found within this policy and the related hyperlinks is for general informational purposes only and is not considered legal advice. This policy may contain links to third party content, which Walmart does not warrant, endorse, or assume liability for and your reliance on such content is solely at your own discretion.