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Sometimes, a delivery trip may need to be canceled. You can do this using Dispatcher. However, you can only cancel a delivery up until the driver is on their way to the drop-off location.
Let's walk through how to cancel a delivery.
How to cancel a deliveryÂ
Go to Client Center and sign in. After you sign in, the Dispatcher page opens.
Select or enter a Pickup Point from the Pickup Point drop-down and select a delivery date and press Apply. The Client Center Dispatcher dashboard populates with deliveries for that location.
From the Dispatcher dashboard, find the delivery you want to cancel (from the dashboard list or using the Search by Order ID text box).
On the list view, click the three-dot icon at the end of the row, and select Cancel Delivery Request .   a) Click the Order ID hyperlink in the Delivery column to open the Delivery Details window. The Actions drop-down also has the Cancel Delivery Request option. Make sure to check the order ID, customer name, and address.Â
Select a reason for canceling the order.
Click the Confirm button.