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Manage WFS inventory
Last updated on {publishedDate}
Reading time: 7 min

The Inventory page is a snapshot of your inventory performance, including available to sell, daily sales and suggested units to restock. The Inventory Health Report helps you review the status of your Walmart-fulfilled inventory. Use this report to inform your inventory replenishment decisions at the item level and to keep your inventory ready for customer demand.

How do I manage my inventory?

The Inventory page can help you maximize sales by keeping inventory in stock. At the top, it shows the predicted daily sales you may be losing due to out-of-stocks and the daily sales at risk if you don't restock soon. We recommend you replenish your WFS inventory based on the suggested units to send, which considers your current available-to-sell inventory, your inbound inventory and your forecasted sales for the next 8 weeks. The Inventory page also provides historical data from the past 30 days, like daily sales and daily units sold to help you quickly understand how each item is performing. It shows the predicted out-of-stock date and suggested units to send to help you make inventory decisions. To restock, just select items directly from this page and select Send inventory.

Understanding the calculations

All numbers in the Inventory page are based on actual sales over the previous 30 days. Daily averages are only calculated for the days the item was in stock during those 30 days. For example, if an item sold 30 units in the past 30 days and was only in stock for one day, the daily average sales for that item is considered 30 units. If an item sold 30 units in the past 30 days but was in stock all 30 days, the daily average sales for that item is considered 1 unit.

Table Metrics




  • In Stock: Item has at least 28 days of supply total between available to sell and inbound.
  • At Risk: Item has fewer than 28 days of supply, counting both available to sell and inbound units.
  • Out of Stock: Item has zero units available to sell.

Daily sales

Average GMV per day for the last 30 days. It’s total sales divided by number of days when you had at least 1 unit available to sell or sold that day.

Daily units sold

Average number of units sold per day in the last 30 days. It's total units sold divided by number of days when you had at least 1 unit available to sell or sold that day.

Available to sell

Units that are available for customers to place orders against.


Customer orders placed for an item but not yet fulfilled. We subtract reservations when calculating available stock, so the item isn't oversold. Once these orders ship, the reservations count will decrease. If there's a canceled order, we'll remove the reservation and make the item available again.

Unavailable to sell

Units that are temporarily unavailable for customers to place orders against, typically due to inventory movements, audits, or compliance checks.

Inbound units

Number of units that you’ve sent to WFS but haven’t been received yet. Items are not instantly available to sell after an inbound order has been marked as delivered. These units will remain in the Inbound Units column until they reach a sellable state in the warehouse.

Days of supply

How many days we anticipate your current available and inbound inventory will last based on your daily forecasted sales demand.

Out-of-stock date

The date we estimate you’ll run out of inventory, based on the days of supply.

Suggested units

This is the quantity of units our algorithm suggests you send to WFS based on predicted sales demand for the next 8 weeks. To generate these suggestions, our algorithm considers several factors including past sales, seasonality, listing quality, pricing and more.

To see more information about how we've calculated your units to send to WFS, select the number under Suggested units to send. You'll see a breakdown of your available-to-sell units, how many units of this item are currently inbounding to WFS, your forecasted item sales for the next 1–4 and 5–8 weeks by date, and the units to send we calculated based on these numbers.

To see why portions of your inventory are temporarily unavailable to sell, select the unit quantity under the Unavailable to sell column. You'll see how many units are pending review and how many are currently being moved to another fulfillment center due to a merchandise transfer request (MTR).

Restock from Manage Inventory

  1. Log into Seller Center and go to Inventory.
  2. Option 1: Select the Manage inventory button, then choose Send inventory from the dropdown. You'll then be guided through the Create Inbound Order process where you'll search for and select the items you want to send.
  3. Option 2: You can select items directly from the the table and add them to a new inbound order by selecting Send inventory from the options that appear.

Understanding the Inventory Health Report

The Inventory Health Report provides you with the listing, status, and quantity information of your current WFS inventory, as well as the past 7 days and 30 days performance at the SKU level. To download the Inventory Health Report, log into Seller Center and go to Reports. Here's a detailed description of each column in the report:

Column Name




The Global Trade Identification Number associated with this item. If you submit a 12-digit UPC rather than a GTIN, the GTIN will have two 0s followed by the UPC.


Walmart Item ID

A Walmart-assigned ID used internally to track items. This ID can be found at the end of the item page URL for that item.


Vendor (Seller) SKU

The SKU you provided for this item


Product Name

The title of your product

Blue Jeans

Brand Name

The brand name of your product



Whether or not your offer is currently published


Available to Sell Units (ATS)

The number of units you have for a SKU in sellable status in the WFS fulfillment network


Damaged Receipts

The number of units you have for a SKU that can’t be received into inventory because they were received damaged.


Inbound Units

The number of units you have for a SKU on open inbound orders


Cube Used

The cubic space taken by the SKU in the WFS fulfillment network


First In Stock Date

The date when a SKU arrives for the first time at a fulfillment center


Days of supply based on last 30 days sales

The number of days you’ll continue to have units in stock at a fulfillment center based on the average daily sales for in-stock days in the past 30 days. Takes into consideration both available to sell and inbound units.


Predicted out of stock date

The date you will run out inventory at a fulfillment center if you continue to sell at the average daily sales of the past 30 days. If an item is already out of stock, it’ll show the actual date it went out of stock.


Forecast 1-4 weeks

Based on our forecast model, this is the number of units we estimate you'll sell through in the next 1-4 weeks. This field will specify the dates we're forecasting for.


Forecast 5-8 weeks

Based on our forecast model, this is the number of units we estimate you'll sell through in 5-8 weeks. This field will specify the dates we're forecasting for.


Suggested units

This is the quantity of units our algorithm suggests you send to WFS based on predicted sales demand. To generate these suggestions, our algorithm considers several factors including past sales, seasonality, listing quality, pricing and more.


ATS 0–90 days

The number of available-to-sell units that have been at a fulfillment center for 90 days or less


ATS 91–180 days

The number of available-to-sell units that have been at a fulfillment center for 91–180 days


ATS 181–270 days

The number of available-to-sell units that have been at a fulfillment center for 181–270 days


ATS 271–365 days

The number of available-to-sell units that have been at a fulfillment center for 271–365 days


ATS 365+ days

The number of available-to-sell units that have been at a fulfillment center for more than 365 days. These units are subject to long-term storage fees.


Last 30 days units received

The number of units WFS received through inbound orders for the last 30 days


Last 30 days PO units

The number of units claimed on the inbound orders for the last 30 days


Last 7 days unit sales

The number of units sold for a SKU for the last 7 days


Last 7 days sales

The GMV sold for a SKU for the last 7 days


Last 7 days instock days

The number of days when a SKU is in stock in the WFS fulfillment network for the last 7 days


Last 30 days units sales

The number of units sold for a SKU for the last 30 days


Last 30 days sales

The GMV sold for a SKU for the last 30 days


Last 30 days instock days

The number of days when a SKU is in stock in the WFS fulfillment network for the last 30 days



Walmart Marketplace has no obligation and makes no promises as to any minimum amount of product you need to purchase or possess as a Marketplace Seller. No person has authority, on Walmart’s behalf, to make any representations or promises to you as a Seller of any expected or possible level of business on the Marketplace, or of Walmart’s intentions or expectations regarding any present or future business with us as a Supplier. All decisions on product amounts are solely made by the seller. Further, seller acknowledges Walmart will not be liable in any way for any decision made or any action taken by seller based on the assortment growth or inventory management tools, dashboards, or recommendations given thereon and agrees that these tools are provided only as forecasts for use by seller in addition to whatever other information seller seeks to consider in making decisions for seller’s business. The seller shall be fully responsible.

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