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When customizing your Returns settings in Seller Center, you can generate customer-initiated return shipping labels using Walmart’s default carrier service or your own carrier account. In this guide, you’ll learn how to access the API credentials needed to create shipping labels and how to upload them.
How does it work?
If you want to use your existing carrier account, you’ll need to enter your complete shipping carrier API credentials in Seller Center, as it includes key information needed to generate the labels. You can access your API credentials via your FedEx or UPS account by following the directions below:
FedEx API credentials: Log in to your FedEx account and visit the FedEx developer resource center.
UPS API credentials: Log in to your UPS account and visit the UPS developer kit.
Once you’ve received the API credentials, you’ll navigate to Seller Center then select Account settings. Choose Returns under Shipping Profile. Scroll halfway down the page to the Label Printing (Required) section and select the Add Carrier Account button. Follow the prompts to add your credentials.