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Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS)
Products subject to our policy on Medical Devices must also adhere to other Prohibited Products Policies including our policy on Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia and Recalled Products or Walmart will automatically unpublish your item.
What is the policy?
Walmart prohibits the sale of products that are or would be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as medical devices that require a prescription (usually Class II or Class III medical devices) or that are designed for use only by healthcare professionals in the healthcare setting. Walmart also prohibits the sale of medical device accessories that require a prescription. Some non-prescription medical devices have additional regulatory restrictions that also make them prohibited for sale on Walmart’s Marketplace. Walmart also prohibits the sale of medical devices that do not comply with the requirements of the FD&C Act and that would be considered by FDA to be adulterated and/or misbranded.
Additional information
Health-related advertising claims about medical devices, which includes claims in the product description, are regulated primarily by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Statements made about medical devices must be truthful and not misleading and must have adequate substantiation by competent and reliable scientific evidence.
FTC’s Health Products Compliance Guidance is a helpful tool for figuring out what kinds of claims and substantiation are appropriate for medical devices. In addition, the medical device must only be advertised for its intended use per FDA’s product codes and classifications. A description of a medical device that goes beyond the device’s intended use would be prohibited under Walmart’s policy.
Medical devices generally may be sold on Walmart Marketplace if they comply with:
The FD&C Act
FDA regulations and guidance regarding medical devices,
State and local laws and regulations, and Relevant laws and guidance implemented by the FTC.
Policy basics
Prohibited | Allowed with restriction | Allowed |
Other Prohibited Products: