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Prohibited Products Policy: Software
Last updated on {publishedDate}
Reading time: 1 min

Products subject to our policy on Software must also adhere to other prohibited products policies including digital goods or Walmart will automatically unpublish your item. 

What is the policy? 

Software products that are illegal or infringe on another party’s intellectual property rights are prohibited from sale on Walmart Marketplace. Only full retail versions of software may be sold.   


Policy basics



  • Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) stand-alone software: 
    • OEM software is designed by the original manufacturer and is installed on or bundled with computer hardware Stand-alone OEM software is prohibited and only allowed when being sold with the associated hardware. 

  • Beta software:

    • Pre-released software used for the purpose of testing and has not yet been officially released. 

    • Beta codes. 

    • Beta keys. 

  • Recovery software (bundled or stand-alone).

  • Stand-alone refurbished software that is not preloaded on refurbished hardware. 

  • Digital downloads. (See Digital Goods Policy) 

  • Copied software: 

    • Software that has been copied onto any media device, including but not limited to flash drive, CD, floppy disk by someone other than the OEM. 

  • Promotional software. 

  • Freeware. 

  • Shareware. 

  • Software that has passed its expired subscription date. 

  • Software/device/technology that will allow the following: 

    • Bypass purchasing process and/or security controls. 

    • Disguise the identity of the purchaser. 

    • Bypass the allotted maximum number of goods per purchaser as specified by the seller. 

    • Allow unauthorized access to gift card information.

  • New and unopened full retail versions of the software product. 

  • Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) software that is sold with the original hardware. 


The information found within this policy and the related hyperlinks is for general informational purposes only and is not considered legal advice. This policy may contain links to third party content, which Walmart does not warrant, endorse, or assume liability for and your reliance on such content is solely at your own discretion. 

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