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Prohibited Products Policy: Food products
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Reading time: 3 min

Products subject to our policy on Food Products must also adhere to other Prohibited Products Policies including our policy on Recalled Products and Dietary Supplements or Walmart will automatically unpublish your item.  

Fresh food 

What is the policy? 

Walmart generally prohibits the sale of fresh food or perishable food items requiring refrigeration and/or frozen foods on its Marketplace.    


Policy basics 


Allowed with restriction


  • Gift baskets containing hard-skinned uncut fruit (apple, orange, or pear) are generally allowed. 

  • Coated, candied, caramel wrapped, or covered fruit are prohibited (e.g. caramel apples, chocolate dipped bananas). 

  • Chocolate covered uncut strawberry gift sets that are safely packaged for shipping are allowed.  

  • Gift baskets containing hard meats and hard cheeses with low moisture content that do not require refrigeration are allowed. Perishable produce (e.g. vegetables and fruits). 
  • Non-shelf stable food and beverage items (i.e. refrigerated, frozen, or other time-temperature control safety foods (TCS)) including but not limited to:  

    • Meats and proteins including plant-based products.  

    • Dairy and non-dairy. 

    • Seafood. 

    • Prepared foods. 

    • Meal kits. 

    • Food additives. 

  • Unpasteurized products (e.g. juices, milks, etc.). 

  • Food products made of prohibited or protected/restricted animals (e.g., sharks, whales, dolphins, porpoises, etc.) and/or animal parts (e.g., antler velvet, shark fin, etc.). 

  • Food products made of prohibited or protected/restricted plants (e.g., black moss, betel nut, kratom, etc.) other illegal/restricted substances (e.g., CBD gummies, etc.). 

  • Gift baskets containing hard-skinned uncut fruit (apple, orange, or pear) are generally allowed. 

  • Coated, candied, caramel wrapped, or covered fruit are prohibited (e.g. caramel apples, chocolate dipped bananas). 

  • Chocolate covered uncut strawberry gift sets that are safely packaged for shipping are allowed.  

  • Gift baskets containing hard meats and hard cheeses with low moisture content that do not require refrigeration are allowed. 

  • Dried fruit and vegetable crisps. 

  • Canned and jarred foods. 

  • Jerky (Beef, turkey, salmon, etc.). 

  • Shelf stable dairy milks. 

  • Other food products specifically approved for sale. 

Expired, unsafe and/or adulterated food 

What is the policy? 

Food that is subject to a recall, expired food, and products that are deemed unsafe or adulterated are prohibited from sale on Walmart’s Marketplace. Food products must be labeled for retail sale and packaged suitable for e-commerce shipping to prevent contamination, spoiling, and damage in transit.  


Policy basics 



  • Recalled food.  

  • Expired food.  

  • Adulterated food. 

  • Unsafe food. 

  • Food not packaged, labeled, or intended for retail sale.  

  • Any food products that do not comply with Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA) under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) and the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA).  

  • Foods not in its original retail packaging. 

  • US Military MRE food products are government property and commercial resale is prohibited.  

  • Dragees and small inedible food decorations are prohibited due to risks of choking and its resemblance to edible ingredients. 

  • Previously recalled foods that have completed their corrective action plan, testing, agency correspondence and enacted controls mitigation processes with new compliant inventory.  

  • Other safe and unadulterated shelf-stable foods. 

Foods that contain unsubstantiated, false or medical/drug claims  

What is the policy? 

Walmart prohibits any items on our site that falsely represent the product being sold, violates any food safety marketing regulations or are otherwise considered non-compliant with any applicable regulation.  


Policy Basics 


Allowed with Restriction


  • Foods that make a drug or medical claim. 

  • Foods that make an unsubstantiated claim. 

  • Foods that make a false claim. 

  • USDA Organic – Must adhere to the USDA Organic program requirements (7 C.F.R. Part 205) and label requirements, including being certified by a regulated USDA-approved certifying agent

  • BE Disclosure - Bioengineered foods that contain detectable genetic material that has been modified through certain lab techniques will require disclosure and proper labeling (e.g. corn, soy, potato, etc.). 

  • Foods that make general marketing claims (i.e. “Great for the whole family!,” “Tastes better than home made.”). 

  • Foods that make proven and/or substantiated structure function claims. 


The information found within this policy and the related hyperlinks is for general informational purposes only and is not considered legal advice. This policy may contain links to third party content, which Walmart does not warrant, endorse, or assume liability for and your reliance on such content is solely at your own discretion. 

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