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Prohibited Products Policy: Baby products
Last updated on {publishedDate}
Reading time: 3 min

Products subject to our policy on Baby products must also adhere to other Prohibited Products Policies including our policy on Food ProductsHome GoodsDrugs & ParaphernaliaMedical DevicesRecalled Products, and Dietary Supplements or Walmart will automatically unpublish your item.  

Infant formula and baby food  

What is the policy?   

Baby food and infant formulas (collectively, “Baby Foods") are prohibited from sale on Walmart Marketplace. For purposes of this policy, baby foods are defined as consumable products that are made and sold specifically for newborns and infants up to 18 months old. (i.e. Stages 1-4 baby food, infant formulas, etc.)  



  • Baby foods 

  • Infant formula 

  • Infant formula additives (e.g., for spit-up, supplemental enzymes) 

  • Infant milk thickeners 

  • Infant powered/liquid milk beverages  

  • Baby juices 

  • Toddler formula 

  • Expired products  

  • Oral rehydration/electrolyte solution (e.g., Pedialyte)  

  • Products for children above 18 months old 

  • Infant drinking water 

Infant health and wellness  

What is the policy? 

Walmart prohibits the sale of infant/baby health and wellness products that have been subject to a recall as well as products or product ingredients that present safety concerns.  

Policy basics


Allowed with Restriction


  • Recalled products  

  • Any baby products or tools that require a prescription  

  • Any products that require a medical professional's supervision or direction  

  • Products that do not have the required regulatory approvals or are not labeled in compliance with requirements for sale in the U. S.  

  • Adulterated or tampered products  

  • Unsafe baby products  

  • Products not packaged, labeled, or intended for retail sale in the U.S. (e.g., testers, imported products that do not comply with U.S. law)  

  • Products not in their original retail packaging, or that are opened and/or used  

  • Infant/baby teething products containing benzocaine or belladonna 

  • Fetal/baby dopplers  

  • Face masks marketed or designed for infants two years of age and under 

  • Baby products that contain pharmaceuticals, drugs, and/or medical devices must also adhere to our Drugs & Medical Devices policies (e.g., baby thermometers, diaper rash cream, teething rings, etc.) 

  • Baby products that are cosmetics must also adhere to our Cosmetics policy (e.g., baby shampoo, baby lotion, etc.) 

  • Face masks are allowed only if intended and marketed to children over two years of age 

  • Diaper bags, pails, and disposal units (e.g., Diaper Genie) 

Infant safety  

What is the policy? 

Items intended for infants that pose safety hazards, violate any child safety regulations or laws, or that are intended for other ages but pose an unreasonable safety risk to infants, are prohibited from sale on Walmart’s Marketplace. 

Policy basics 


Allowed with Restriction


  • Crib bumpers, bumper pads, and sleep positioners 

  • Crib top rail covers or slat cover/teething guards 

  • Inclined sleepers or rockers 

  • Infant pillows, blankets, towels, and other plush items intended for sleep 

  • Products with images depicting an infant sleeping in unsafe positions or environments 

  • Infant neck floats or other inflatable swim aids 

  • Soft car seats and high back booster car seats 

  • Infant head straps for car seats 

  • Car seat adapters that convert a stroller seat into a car seat 

  • Infant slings and carriers that promote unsafe carry 

  • Infant or baby products that do not comply with small parts regulation 

  • Recalled products 

  • Products not in their original retail packaging, or that are opened and/or used 

  • Infant or baby products not in compliance with consumer product safety requirements 

  • Products containing prohibited levels of restricted substances/chemicals (e.g., lead, cadmium, and other heavy metals, flame retardants, phthalates, etc.) 

  • Standard sized infant/toddler crib mattresses and mini-crib mattresses that exceed 6" thickness 

  • Aftermarket nonstandard sized infant/toddler mattresses or play yard mattresses that exceed 1.5" thickness 

  • Any marketplace seller who sells and delivers a mattress must comply with state- specific mattress laws 

  • Any marketplace seller who sells mesh crib liners must comply with state-specific laws 

  • Bassinets, cribs, or nappers that allow the infant to sleep on a flat unobstructed surface 

  • Standard sized infant/toddler crib mattresses that are 6" or less 

  • Nursing pillows 

  • Swaddling blankets 

  • U.S. Coast Guard approved infant life jackets 

  • Car seat adapters used to attach a car seat to a stroller 

  • Infant car seat accessories (e.g., cover, locking clip, latch guide, travel bag, etc.) 


The information found within this policy and the related hyperlinks is for general informational purposes only and is not considered legal advice. This policy may contain links to third party content, which Walmart does not warrant, endorse, or assume liability for and your reliance on such content is solely at your own discretion. 

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