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Prohibited Products Policy: Artifacts and antiquities
Last updated on {publishedDate}
Reading time: 1 min

Products subject to our policy on Artifacts and Antiquities must also adhere to other Prohibited Products Policies including our policy on Autographs and Collectibles and Native American Products or Walmart will automatically unpublish your item.  

What is the policy? 

Historical artifacts, antiquities, and antiques are prohibited from sale on Walmart’s Marketplace.    

Policy basics 



  • Artifacts  
  • Fossils 

  • Geological formations 

  • Relics 

  • Remains 

  • Sacred and tribal items 

    • Any item that claims a tribe name and/or to be “Indian” and is not produced by someone other than tribe member or certified Indian artisan  

  • Any item that came from Native American land 

  • Historical grave markers 

  • Burial items 

  • Antiques, i.e. used products  

  • Books about artifacts    

  • Reproduction pieces of fossils or other artifacts when clearly indicated as such  

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