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Prohibited Products Policy: Animals
Last updated on Nov 26, 2024
Reading time: 3 min

Products subject to our policy on Animals must also adhere to other Prohibited Products Policies including our policy on Dietary SupplementsPet Foods, Supplements, Medicines and other products and Restricted Items or Walmart will automatically unpublish your item.   

Live animals 

What is the policy?

Walmart prohibits the sale of live animals, insects, and other wildlife on its Marketplace. 

Policy basics 



  • Live animals including pets, livestock, and marine animals (e.g. tropical fish, bettas, turtles, cats, dogs, lizards, chicks, pigs, etc.)  
  • Live insects, insects for feed, and plant pests (e.g. feeder crickets, tarantulas, ladybugs, aphids, etc.)  

  • Live worms and other types of live bait  

  • Brine shrimp embryos/eggs “sea monkeys” hatch kits (shipped dry and dormant)  

  • Triops eggs hatch kits (shipped dry and dormant)  

Animal parts, collectibles and animal-related products 

What is the policy? 

Animals, animal parts or items derived from animals, whose species are endangered or threatened are prohibited from sale on Walmart Marketplace. In addition, products that are, or contain natural fur are also prohibited.   

Policy basics 


Allowed with restriction


  • Animal organs or animal corpses or fetuses that contain organs (includes dissection kits for educational purposes)  

  • Illegal wildlife products - parts or products, including fur and feathers, from federally and locally endangered or threatened species (e.g. rhinoceros, tiger, lion, leopard, pangolin, etc.)

  • Animal and animal-related items that were taken, possessed, transported, and/or sold in violation of the Lacey Act  

  • Products prohibited from sale under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 (e.g. feathers and parts from white stork, great white pelican, king vulture, spectacled owl, black throated magpie jay, European robin, song thrush, red crested cardinal, etc.)  

  • Ivory products - manufactured items with more than 5% of actual ivory, including bones from animals that produce ivory (e.g. tusks or teeth products from elephant, mammoth, walrus, hippopotamus, sperm whale, killer whale, narwhal, elk, and/or warthog)  

  • Items made from marine mammals (e.g. dolphins, whales, porpoises)

  • Items made from or derived from household pets, such as dogs or cats  

  • Natural fur products or products trimmed with natural fur (e.g. rabbit, mink, fox, chinchilla, etc.)  

  • Products made from the hide of a donkey 

  • Bear traps, steel jaw leg-hold traps and similar items

  • Native American items and other items made with feathers or parts of protected birds are prohibited
  • Alaskan Native items made from parts of a bear are prohibited
  • Animal bone and skulls that are sold cleaned/sanitized of animals that are not endangered, threatened, illegally harvested, nor animals deemed as pets are allowed (e.g. farmed alligator skull, raccoon skeleton, cow skull, etc.)
  • Owl pellets that are cleaned, sanitized, and packaged for educational instruction
  • Products made from shark teeth and shark teeth collectibles
  • Wool products
  • Leather goods and clothing (legally procured)
  • Faux/Imitation leathers and skins
  • Faux/Imitation fur

Animal health and welfare products 

What is the policy? 

Walmart prohibits the sale of animal healthcare and welfare products that require veterinary guidance or prescriptions on its Marketplace. Any products that are for professional use or promote unsafe practices are also prohibited.  

Policy basics 



  • Animal vaccines 
  • Veterinary products including specialty diets, food, medicine, treatments requiring a prescription or supervision of a veterinary professional 
  • Medical devices used by veterinary professionals 
  • Pet and livestock diets, supplements, and drugs containing hemp 
  • Refrigerated and/or frozen animal/pet food and medication or treatments

  • Pet dental chews
  • Non-prescription flea medication, treatments, shampoos

Animal bait, lures and deterrents 

What is the policy? 

Walmart prohibits the sale of animal bait, lures and attractants and animal deterrents on its Marketplace.   

Policy basics 



  • Bear spray
  • Electronic game calls
  • Predator calls
  • Hunting attractants
  • Game and animal feed
  • Animal urine/estrus products (both natural and synthetic)
  • Live worms and other types of live bait

  • Hunting decoys
  • Non-electronic audible hunting calls
  • Game feeders, feeding systems (sold without feed)
  • Fishing baits and tackles (synthetic or dried/canned non-living bait)  

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