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If you submitted a dispute with Walmart and you’re not satisfied with the resolution, you may be eligible to appeal Walmart’s decision. Before you attempt to appeal a dispute decision, review our Dispute Standards. In this guide, you’ll learn more about the appeal policy and how to submit an appeal.
What is the policy?
You may only appeal a dispute decision once and it must be submitted within 30 days of receiving the initial denial or decision. Once you receive Walmart’s final decision in the appeal, the decision, and any reimbursement (if applicable) will constitute full and final payments and settlement from Walmart.
You cannot appeal a final decision. If you’ve received a final decision from Seller Support and if you continue to challenge it, you may be subject to a performance review and/or further actions, including suspension or termination.
- Returns Shipping Service (RSS): If you're using Walmart’s Returns Shipping Service (RSS) and would like to appeal a dispute decision for an item valued below $100, it will be denied; these requests must be submitted directly to FedEx.
- Ship with Walmart (SWW): If you’ve purchased a shipping label in Seller Center using Ship with Walmart and would like to appeal a dispute decision for an item valued below $100, it will be denied. These requests must be submitted directly to the carrier you used—either FedEx or the United States Postal Service (USPS). Both carriers offer up to $100 in liability coverage for most services, including situations where packages are lost or damaged in transit. If something goes wrong with a delivery, you can file a claim with FedEx or USPS directly.
The information found within this policy and the related hyperlinks is for general informational purposes only and is not considered legal advice. This policy may contain links to third party content, which Walmart does not warrant, endorse, or assume liability for and your reliance on such content is solely at your own discretion.