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Packaging policy
Last updated on {publishedDate}
Reading time: 1 min

You’re required to comply with Walmart Marketplace packaging policies as described below. Following these requirements helps build customer trust and helps to provide a consistent experience for Walmart customers.

What is the policy?

Walmart Marketplace orders or packaging may not reference any other marketplace business or fulfillment provider. Under the Seller Performance Standards, you may not purchase products from another retailer and have the order shipped directly to a Walmart customer. Non-compliance with these policies and the policies below may result in warnings, selling restrictions, suspension, or even termination. 




  • Shipping in a non-branded box with a neutral color. 

  • Drop shipping your orders (for DSVs) using manufacturer boxes or the manufacturer of the item. 

  • The use of unbranded packing slips as a convenience to the customer. 

  • Printing out packing slips via the Order Management section in Seller Center. 

  • Listing your name and address on the box. 

  • Seller-branded boxes.
  • Other retailers’ packaging.
  • Promotional material from your company or any other entity.

Frequently asked questions

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It’s imperative for sellers to understand and share our commitment to a fair, open, and honest Marketplace culture.
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