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All products listed for sale on Walmart Marketplace must comply with any applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. If you sell products that feature the USDA Organic seal, state “USDA Certified Organic", or refers to the product as “Organic" you must ensure the product complies with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Organic Program (NOP) standard.
What is the policy?
If you list a product that features the USDA Organic seal, or states “USDA Certified Organic," or refers to the product as “Organic," you must ensure that the product complies with the requirements of the USDA NOP regulations. You must also verify that the product is certified organic and listed in the USDA Organic Integrity Database. Products that feature the USDA Organic seal or state “USDA Certified Organic" but don’t comply with the USDA NOP regulations are strictly prohibited.
Additional guidelines
The USDA Organic seal is a recognized symbol protected by federal regulations and overseen by the NOP. Farms and businesses that have been certified as organic can use this seal to show that their products are organic.
To use the USDA Organic seal or to state “USDA Certified Organic" on product packaging, product descriptions, or product advertisements, the product must either be:
Made entirely of organic ingredients (except for salt and water, which are considered natural) with no other additives or,
Made with at least 95% organic ingredients (except for salt and water), and the remaining ingredients can be nonorganic agricultural or nonagricultural products (but only if organic versions of those products aren’t available).
Products that feature the USDA Organic seal, state “USDA Certified Organic," or refers to the product as “Organic" must be grown, handled, and processed without using pesticides, synthetic chemicals, irradiation, fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients, or bioengineering.
The information found within this policy and the related hyperlinks is for general informational purposes only and is not considered legal advice. This policy may contain links to third party content, which Walmart does not warrant, endorse, or assume liability for and your reliance on such content is solely at your own discretion.