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Under-performing item removal policy
Last updated on {publishedDate}
Reading time: 2 min

At Walmart, we review all Marketplace listings twice a year to make sure customers have a consistent shopping experience on Walmart.com. If we identify a listing that is deemed under-performing, it will be unpublished from Walmart Marketplace. Keep reading to learn more about this policy.

What is the policy?

Items must be listed and transactable for a predetermined timeframe, based on the nature and seasonality of each category or they could be deemed as under-performing. Exceptions include strategic items or categories and slow-moving items. Other under-performance indicators include but are not limited to: 

  • No sales for the item during the predetermined timeframe. 
  • No sales of items within the same variant groups during the predetermined timeframe.  

Even though Walmart conducts catalog reviews semi-annually, Walmart reserves the right to unpublish items at any time. If your item is unpublished due to underperformance, it won’t be relisted until there is a substantial improvement to the listing.  


If the same item is removed multiple times, Walmart reserves the right to permanently remove the item from our catalog.

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