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Seller Performance Standards
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Reading time: 3 min

Walmart regularly reviews the performance of all Marketplace sellers. If your account doesn’t meet one or more of the standards listed below, we’ll notify you via email and provide a recommendation on how to resolve the issue. Keep reading to learn more about the standards.

What is the policy?

There are five key performance metrics that comprise Seller Performance Standards: Cancellation Rate, On-Time Delivery Rate (OTD), Refund Rate, Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) and Seller Response Rate.  If your account doesn’t meet one or more of the performance standards and you don’t take immediate action to address or improve your performance, your account may be at risk of suspension, suppression or termination.   


  • Suppression: Your seller-fulfilled listings are removed from Walmart.com and any Walmart-fulfilled listings will remain on Walmart.com.   
  • Suspension: Your seller-fulfilled and Walmart-fulfilled listings are removed from Walmart.com.

  • Termination: Your selling privileges and any access to Seller Center are permanently revoked. 

Additional guidelines

Performance metric


Seller standard

Learn more

Cancel Rate

The percentage of orders that you cancel after receiving the order from Walmart.

Maintain a rate of < 2%.

On-Time Delivery Rate (OTD)

The percentage of orders delivered on or before the Expected Delivery Date.

Maintain a rate of  > 95%.

Review our Shipping & Fulfillment Policy for more details.

Valid Tracking Rate (VTR)

The percentage of orders with valid tracking information provided.

Maintain a rate of  > 99%.

Review our Valid Tracking Number Policy and Requirements for more details.

Refund Rate

The percentage of orders refunded for reasons the seller is responsible for such as an item damaged or incorrect item received.

Maintain a rate of < 6%.

Seller Response Rate 

The percentage of customer inquiries responded to within 48 hours of receipt. 

Maintain a rate of  > 95%. 

Review our Customer Care policy for more details.

Pro tip

It is your responsibility to review account performance and proactively improve performance metrics not meeting standards. You can view your performance metrics at any time in Seller Center.  

Frequently asked questions

Helpful resources

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