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Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS)
Performance alarms are triggered via email if you fail to ship orders on time, provide valid tracking numbers or meet carrier scans by the Expected Ship Date (ESD), in addition to other performance-related issues. In this guide, you’ll learn more about each performance alarm so you can better understand why you may have received one.
What is the policy?
Per the Valid tracking number policy and Shipping & fulfillment policy, you’re required to ship orders on time and provide valid tracking numbers for those packages. Triggering performance alarms will impact your performance metrics and may result in the automatic unpublishing of affected items.
If you’ve violated one or more of these policies, you may receive one of the following performance alarms:
Alarm | Description |
At Risk of Auto-Cancellation | Your order has exceeded the Expected Ship Date (ESD). If you do not update your order to a shipped status with a valid tracking number within the auto-cancellation window (ESD + four days), Walmart will cancel the order and refund the customer. |
Auto-Cancelled Orders | Your order has been canceled by Walmart because valid tracking was not provided by the fourth calendar day after the Expected Ship Date (ESD). |
Unshipped by ESD | Your order has exceeded the Expected Ship Date (ESD) and does not have a shipping confirmation. |
Late Origin Scan | Shipped orders that have not been scanned by the carrier for two business days (48 hours) after a shipping confirmation was sent to Walmart. |
Orders with an ESD Today | Your order is due to be shipped the day you receive the notice. |
Sales Velocity | The item was unpublished because the item has exceeded the normal sales averages (e.g., an item that typically only sells 25 units per hour, the pre-defined sales threshold value, jumps to 150 units per). This is typically due to a price discrepancy. |
Cancellations Velocity | The item was unpublished because the number of canceled orders exceeded the pre-defined threshold value. This is typically due to a price discrepancy or invalid inventory numbers. |