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Multiple seller accounts policy
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Reading time: 1 min

Walmart prohibits sellers from owning multiple accounts. For details on this policy, read the guide below. 

What is the policy?

Walmart Marketplace sellers are prohibited from making multiple seller accounts. Exceptions to this policy may be made by Walmart, in its sole discretion. For consideration for a separate account, you must have a legitimate business reason.  Walmart may suspend or terminate your related accounts if any of your accounts fail to meet the guidelines in this policy, as determined in its sole discretion. 

Additional guidelines

To open a separate Walmart Marketplace seller account, you must have a significant business reason. The following is required to be considered for a separate account:   

  • Each seller account must have a separate email address.   

  • The products sold in each account must be different.   

Your performance metrics and your account must be in good standing.

Frequently asked questions

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