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Product detail page: Image guidelines & requirements
Last updated on {publishedDate}
Reading time: 4 min

As a Marketplace seller, you must comply with Walmart Marketplace’s image requirements and guidelines. High quality images help provide accurate content for customers so they can enjoy a positive shopping experience on Walmart.com.  

How does it work?

Content requirements

Images must not violate the Prohibited Products Policy or any other Walmart policies. This includes but is not limited to: 

  • Content that portrays glorifies or promotes hatred, violence, or discrimination.  

  • Content that displays explicit nudity or vulgar language. 

  • Content that contains obscene material, is sexually suggestive, or pornographic. 

  • Content deemed culturally inappropriate or insensitive.  


File type requirements

  • File Format: JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP. (GIF images are not permitted) 

  • Color Format: RGB. 

  • File Name: We recommend that you use the 14-digit GTIN in the file name. 

  • File Size: 5MB or less. 

  • Bit Depth: 8 bits per pixel 

  • Pixel Dimensions: 2200px x 2200px 

  • Minimum Pixel Dimensions for Zoom: 1500px x 1500px 

  • Swatch Pixel Dimensions: 100px x 100px 

  • Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (Square) 

  • Background: Seamless white (255/255/255 RGB). 


Image URL requirements

Walmart offers image hosting so that you don't need your own external image space. If you are using Walmart's hosting service, there are URL limitations. Review the table below for supported and unsupported URL formats. 

Supported URL formats

Unsupported URL formats

  • Image URLs must end in an image file type (.jpg, .png, etc.) 

  • URL port of communication must be 8080, 80, 443 or 8443 

  • Most Amazon image URLs can be accepted if they meet the guidelines on this page. 

  • Accepted URL examples:  

  • URLs that are not publicly accessible.
  • URLs that are HTML pages. 

  • URLs containing a query. 

  • URLs with a port of communication other than 8080, 80, 443 or 8443. 

  • URL paths with special characters and are not encoded. 

  • Certain Photobucket URLs are not supported if they load as HTML. pages even when the URL ends in a valid file type. 

  • Dropbox URLs are not supported. 


Additional guidelines

To ensure the best possible customer experience, we recommend that you upload a minimum of four images for each listing. See the table below for guidance. 



If images are not yet available for your item, use this Walmart placeholder image. Your item won’t be published until you’ve replaced the placeholder with a product image that meets image requirements.

All images should correspond with the product name and type. 

There should be no image duplication on the item page.

All images must be in focus and professionally lit. Main images should feature items on a seamless white background. Images of larger items may feature the item in an expected environment.  

Crop the item as close as possible to the image frame. Avoid excessive background space around the item. Don't resize smaller images to fill space, as this reduces image quality.  

The main image shouldn't contain watermarks, your name or your logo.  

The main image cannot show accessories that are not included with the item, as it may confuse the customer. Avoid positioning too many props in the image.  

The main image should not include any claims or promotional offers about the item.

Swatch Images should be provided where applicable. 


These lists are not comprehensive for all product categories. Some categories have additional requirements and guidelines. For more information see Content Standards: Overview. Walmart reserves the right to remove any images that violate Walmart policy. 

Frequently asked questions

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