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Promotional pricing allows you to offer customers great deals on your items. In this guide, you'll learn how to use the Price and promotion template to add or remove Promotional Pricing in Seller Center.
Set up promo pricing
Step 1 – Get started
Navigate to your Catalog in Seller Center. Select the Update items button, then choose Update with file.
Step 2 – Download & complete the template
In the Update with file dialogue box, select Show Walmart templates. Choose the Price and Promotion template.
Once downloaded, choose Create from the Promo Setting Action column and fill out the SKU, including the promo price and start and end dates. As a reminder, promotional pricing is considered a temporary price reduction and should last no more than 180 days.
Step 3 – Upload the template
After you’ve completed the template, return to the Update with file dialog box to upload the completed file. From the dropdown menu, choose the Price and promotion option. Then, you can either drag the file to the drop zone or open a saved file by selecting browse to choose from your file explorer. Updates can appear as quickly as 15 minutes or can take up to four hours.