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Reduced Referral Fee incentives: Manage item enrollment
Last updated on Nov 20, 2024
Reading time: 3 min

When you participate in the Reduced Referral Fee incentives program, you’ll receive a reduced Referral Fee if you keep the eligible item’s price at or below the suggested target price. In this guide, we’ll show you how to manage your item’s enrollment in the program.  

Manage item enrollment  

Single item management 

Step 1 — Get started 

Navigate to the Incentives page in Seller Center under the Pricing section. 

Step 2 — Choose your items 

  • Enroll: To choose individual items to enroll, select the Eligible tab and select the checkbox next to the items. Then, select the Enroll button under the Action column. 

  • Unenroll: To choose individual items to unenroll, select the Active tab and select the checkbox next to the items. Then, select the Unenroll button under the Action column. 

Bulk management 

Step 1 — Get started 

Navigate to the Incentives page in Seller Center under the Pricing section. Choose the Manage incentives button on the top right of the page and select Manage Referral Fee incentives from the dropdown. 

Step 2 — Choose your items

On the next page, select Generate file to download the most recent list of items. Select the cloud symbol to download the template in the Referral Fee Incentives Enrollment column. Choose “Y” if you want to enroll the item or “N” if you want to unenroll the item. 

Step 3 — Upload the template 

Once all updates are complete, you can upload the template in bulk in the Drag and drop a file here section. When the file upload is complete, select Submit. 

Pro tip

To identify Reduced Referral Fee orders in the Payments Report, filter the Commission Incentive Program column for Pricing Incentives. For incentive amounts applied to your orders, locate the Commission Savings column. To learn how to access your Payments Report, visit Payment statements and transactions


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