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Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS)
Choose how WFS fulfillment centers should process customer returns and damaged or expired items. You can use the default settings or customize them based on the type of item. Be sure to keep your settings up to date since we’ll use these to handle returns for all your WFS orders. Note that some items are not eligible for customer returns.
Options for WFS returns
You can set your preferences at a category level or for all items for both sellable and unsellable inventory:
- Sellable inventory: You can select to have these items restocked, returned to you, or disposed of.
- Unsellable inventory: You can select to have it returned to you or disposed of.
If you don't make any changes to your preferences, we'll use the default settings to process your returns.
Our default settings are restock for sellable and disposal for unsellable WFS inventory. If you don't want to use this setting, please update your WFS Return Preferences in Seller Center.
Customize your return rules
To set your WFS returns preferences:
1. Log into Seller Center and go to Returns under Settings.
2. Select Walmart Fulfilled Returns.
3. Add the address you want us to use to send returned WFS items back to you.
4. Select Add Return Rules to set your WFS return preferences.
5. Select Add Received Damaged Rules to set your preferences for items damaged during inbound shipping.
Note that for any returns identified as Walmart at fault, Walmart will keep the inventory regardless of your returns preferences. If you have any questions, email us at