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When you set up your items on Walmart Marketplace, each item's product identifier is associated with a single SKU. If you need to update the SKUs for several items at once, follow the steps below.
Update SKUs
Step 1 — Get started
Navigate to your Catalog in Seller Center and select the Add items button.
You must select the Add items button to download the template and update your SKUs.
Step 2 — Download and complete the template
Select the Walmart template link located under Upload a spreadsheet. When the Walmart templates popup appears, select Create a full-setup template. Select the product categories for the items you want to update the SKUs, then choose Next. Then choose up to 10 product types. Once you’ve chosen your product types, choose Next. Finally, choose Seller fulfilled as your preferred fulfillment option. When you’re ready, select the Download button in the bottom right corner of the page.
In the template, fill in your updated SKU and all the other required fields and item attributes including the column labeled SKU Update. The SKU Update column is located in the Optional section of the template, but you must choose Yes from the dropdown menu for the SKUs to successfully update.
Step 3 — Upload the completed template
Navigate back to the Catalog page and select Add items. On the Add items screen, upload your template and select Next to submit. Updates can appear as quickly as 15 minutes or can take up to four hours.