Getting started
Item setup
Catalog optimization
Shipping & fulfillment
Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS)
Order management
Ads & Campaigns
Learn about the product detail page and how to list your entire catalog on
Understand guidelines and requirements for item setup on Walmart Marketplace
Create and maintain high-quality product listings
Choose between setup methods and tools that best serve your business needs
Use Seller Center to measure the effectiveness of your catalog
Winning the Buy Box offer is a great way to drive sales! In this lesson, you’ll learn what the Buy Box is, how to increase your chances of winning it, and what criteria you need to abide by to stay eligible.
Offer expedited delivery options like OneDay, TwoDay or ThreeDay shipping because customers prefer fast and free shipping!
You can generate a Buy Box report to provide insights into how to win a Buy Box offer.
Keep your inventory updated so that you can keep track of sales and order acknowledgements.
You can reinstate your Buy Box eligibility by updating your item’s price to be more competitive.