Getting started
Item setup
Catalog optimization
Shipping & fulfillment
Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS)
Order management
Ads & Campaigns
Get to know Walmart policies and standards and how they can impact your seller performance metrics.
Ensure your products comply with laws and regulations
Use Seller Center to monitor your performance
Take action in areas that need improvement
Walmart strives to maintain a Marketplace that customers can trust, which means all products listed for sale must comply with local, state and federal laws and regulations. In this video, we’ll cover the Walmart Marketplace Prohibited Products Policy, how to access and use the Trust and Safety Dashboard in Seller Center and examine the three major types of Trust and Safety Product Violations.
All products listed for sale on must comply with local, state and federal laws and regulations.
Walmart strives to keep the Prohibited Products Policy up to date as possible, so check it often for updates.
Each prohibited product category has unique requirements that should be followed, or Walmart will automatically unpublish your item.