Getting started
Item setup
Catalog optimization
Shipping & fulfillment
Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS)
Order management
Ads & Campaigns
Learn how to set up discounted pricing and strategically drive attention to competitive items in your catalog.
- Learn about promotional pricing
- Get the details of promo rules and flags
- Find out how to participate in Walmart merchandising campaigns
Unlock the full potential of your external marketing campaigns with the Walmart Sales Rewards and Attribution program. In this lesson, we’ll guide you through setting up campaigns, to help you earn up to 10% commission on qualifying sales-all while tracking and optimizing your performance.
Use clear and descriptive labels for your links to help improve performance tracking.
Apply these tracking URLs to all your external Walmart media efforts, to ensure holistic reporting and commission payout.
Regularly review the Walmart Sales Rewards and Attribution dashboard in Seller Center under Growth to optimize your campaigns and maximize your rewards.