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In this guide, learn about what Walmart customers expect- a prompt and courteous, customer-centric resolution when a problem occurs with an order. Failure to meet any section of our customer service policies may result in temporary or indefinite seller privileges being revoked for Walmart Marketplace Canada.
General Guidelines
- The Walmart Marketplace Canada seller is responsible for all customer service-related topics. If a Walmart customer care agent receives an inquiry from a Walmart customer, the agent will provide the customer with direction on how to contact your company’s customer service team by providing your email address through the Contact Seller link within their order acknowledgement or ship confirmation emails.
- Please respond to all customer requests and resolve all customer-related issues within 48 calendar hours, which applies 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays.
- Please refer customers who experience any in-store pick-up or in-store return issues to the Walmart Customer Experience Team.
- Please refer customers, who contact you regarding an order that was not received, to the Walmart Customer Experience Team.
- On occasion, a customer’s issue is escalated and requires special attention. These issues will be escalated to the Marketplace Seller’s customer service escalations email by a Walmart customer care agent. Please respond to and resolve all escalations within 48 calendar hours of receiving them, which applies 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays.
For best results: - Allow the,, encrypted customer email address through your spam filters.
- Provide Walmart Marketplace Canada with the most up-to-date contact information for your business.
- Refer to the guidelines below on how to resolve common issues before creating a case.
- Additional Days Off apply only to order processing exceptions and are not vacation periods. You are still expected to provide customer support during your additional days off. Failure to respond to a customer or Walmart Customer Care contact may result in refunds.
Seller Requirements for Customer Service
- You are required to provide customer service to Walmart customers for all orders transmitted to your account through Seller Center for your assortment listed on
You must respond to all customer and Walmart customer care inquiries within 48 calendar hours, with high-quality responses. This service level agreement applies 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. - Auto-reply messages do not constitute a high-quality response.
- Better Business Bureau or other consumer protection agency complaints sent from Walmart employees require high-quality responses within one hour of receipt.
- You are required to comply with French Language Law. This law states that any customer contacting you in French for customer service, must be provided communication back in French as well.
Remember to include all internal customer services parties to have visibility to your response. This will prevent your case from being treated as Non-Responsive if another agent has to follow up. When responding to any customer service agent follow up emails, ensure to do the following: - Choose the Reply All option. This will include the full customer service email distribution.
- Walmart providing a customer service adjustment up to the value of the order to satisfy the customer, which will be deducted from amounts held by Walmart in trust for you.
- Imposing seller category selling restrictions.
- Temporary or indefinite suspension of your selling privileges on Walmart Marketplace Canada.
Customer Service E-mail Address
- Your customer service and customer service escalations e-mail address must be accurate in Seller Center at all times. Walmart customers and Walmart Customer Care will utilize those e-mails for all order or business-related needs.
- The customer service e-mail address you provide is used when a customer chooses to contact you directly from the Contact Seller link within their order or ship confirmation e-mails.
- This feature routes customer e-mails through Walmart’s network. You can view the messages in your Seller Center Message Inbox.
When and How to Contact a Customer
There are times when you may need to initiate contact with a customer to help resolve a concern with order fulfillment or complete customer follow up (see below for guidelines).
When you are permitted to contact a customer:
- Material change with customer order
- Delayed delivery
- Out of Stock
- Offer of alternate or similar product
- No transactional emails (provided by Walmart)
- No order status updates
- No promotional emails (per Seller agreement)
Download Order Details from the Orders Dashboard
Copy or Send Email to the Customer
You can use the Copy Email & Send Email links, from the order details screen in Seller Center to directly contact a customer for a specific order.

Marketplace Seller Customer Care Resources
Review the below articles for further details on how to resolve specific customer concerns. Create a Partner Support Case for further assistance if you are unable to resolve the customer’s concern and the Walmart Customer Experience Team has been unable to resolve for the customer.
- How to resolve non-receipt of order (lost after delivery)
- How to resolve incorrect orders
- How to issue adjustments in Seller Center
- How to resolve non-receipt of refund