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Order Management Dashboard in Seller Center
Last updated on Oct 31, 2024
Reading time: 8 min

You can view and manage your orders in Seller Center from the Order Management dashboard. This will help you stay up-to-date on new orders which needs to be fulfilled and when to fulfill them. Orders are stored in the Order Management dashboard for up to 90 days.

Navigate to the Order Management Dashboard

  1. Go to Seller Center.
  2. Using the left navigation pane in Seller center, click on Order Management > Orders

Order Management Dashboard 

 On the Orders landing page, sellers can view:

Column Name 


Order Status

Unshipped, Shipped, Cancelled, All


Search by PO, Order #, SKU ID, Customer First and Last Name


Order date, Fulfilled by, Ship by, and Status

Order Grid

Purchase Order #, Order #, Order Date, Ship by, Order total, Customer, Fulfilled by, Ship method, Item, Quantity (Qty), and Status
  • A tool tip appears when you hover over the image in the Item column providing item information.  

Filter and Search 

Sellers can filter Orders dashboard by selecting different order statuses:

Order Statuses



Orders that have yet to be shipped to customers or cancelled. 


Orders that have been shipped to customers.


Orders that were cancelled by the seller or by Walmart if not shipped by 7 days after the Ship By date.


Orders from the three previous tabs.

Within each order status option, you can search the current view by choosing an option listed below from the dropdown and entering the corresponding information in the text box:

  • Order#
  • PO#
  • SKU
  • Customer First Name
  • Customer Last Name

Sellers can filter the dashboard by:



Order Date   

  • Today
  • Within the last 48 hours
  • Last 3 days 
  • Last 7 days
  • Last 14 days
  • Last 30 days
  • Last 90 days
 Important - Use this filter to monitor orders that are past due and may be auto cancelled. See Manage Order Status - Acknowledge, Ship, or Cancel Orders  for additional information.

Fulfilled by   

Seller or WFS

Ship by  




Next 2 days

Next 7 days

Next 30 days

Next 90 days

Order Status  

  • New
  • Shipped
  • Cancelled
  • Acknowledged
  • Delivered
Important -The status options vary based on the Order Status tab you have chosen.

Pro tip

  • Sellers can use different filter combinations to find a desired set of orders. For example, setting Ship By to Today and choosing the Unshipped tab, you can see new orders that are due to be shipped today. This is also helpful for bulk updates – sellers can choose Download options for the set of filters chosen. 
  • A new Overdue option under the Ship by filter is available for quick filtering of any late orders. Late orders will also have a info icon on the UI, helping you prioritize shipments.

  • The Status filters show orders in different statuses, New, Acknowledged, Cancelled, Shipped, or Delivered and may differ based on the Order Status tab you are viewing.
    • All status types are available under the All tab, however, you can only view New or Acknowledged in the Unshipped tab and Shipped or Delivered in the Shipped tab.
  • The Order grid now includes some new columns, including:
  • Fulfilled By – Who is fulfilling the order? Sellers who use Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS) will see additional options.
  • Ship Method – How fast the order is to be shipped - Standard or Express. For more information on Shipping Methods, please see the Marketplace Shipping Standards.
  • Item – A small image of the listing. Sellers can hover over it to see an expanded description of the item – including the SKU and a link to view the listing on

Download Bulk Order Files

Sellers can also download Bulk Order files from the Orders dashboard for any of the four order statuses.

  1. Sellers simply need to choose the status and select Download in the top right corner and choose from the options that appear. This can help sellers to keep detailed records of closed orders (Shipped/Cancelled), or to download a file to update open (Unshipped) orders in bulk.
  2. Select Downloaded Files from the dropdown in the top right to view a history of the files downloaded from this account.

Order Details 

Select the Purchase Order (PO) link in the appropriate row to pen the order details interface. You can use this page to view:

Order Details 

Order Details 


Ship Status 

Allows sellers to view the status of items in the order, print packing slips, and update the order to shipped.


Shows items in the order that have not yet shipped to the customer.


Shows items in the order that have shipped.


Shows items in this order that were cancelled.


Shows items in the order that have been delivered.

Download, Print, or Cancel Order

These options allow the seller to download the order details, print packing slips or cancel the order.

Order Details

Shows the Order number, Ship method, and important dates for the order – including Ship By and Deliver By dates.

Customer Details 

This tile includes the customer’s name, address, and links to copy an email address and send email to the customer.  

Payment Details 

A breakdown of the cost of the item including subtotal, tax, and shipping cost.

For details about using the Order Management Dashboard to complete your orders, please read Manage Order Status: Acknowledge, Ship, or Cancel Orders.

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About Walmart Canada

Walmart Canada helps Canadians save money and live better. Quality products at everyday low prices - that's the promise Sam Walton made when he started Walmart and it's as true today more than 50 years later. We believe in innovation and continue to grow by adding new services like pickup, online grocery, and mobile app shopping. is visited by more than 1.5 million Canadians daily, who can choose from millions of items sold by Walmart and third-party sellers to fit their needs. We make sure their service experience is as amazing as it is in our stores around the world.

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