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If a potential customer is considering buying from you, they may want to know details about how you collect sales tax, how you handle returns, and what you do (or don't do) with any private data that they may have shared with you. This is your opportunity to sell your customers on your company policies.
If you don't have written policies, you can read the General Policy Guidelines in the exhibits section of your Walmart Marketplace Program Seller Agreement. We strongly recommend putting policies in place and making them available - they're beneficial to both the customer and your business. Try to make your policies short and to the point so that your customers can quickly see how you handle their tax, data privacy and returns. Please note that certain policies, such as your Privacy Policy and Shipping Policy, will not be shown to customers at this time. However, they are still required for your overall Profile set-up.
The Marketplace Returns Policy, which became effective April 30, 2020 for all Sellers, establishes the minimum standard that Sellers are required to meet with respect to handling returns. Sellers are not able to edit the Returns Policy information in their Seller Center profile directly. Additional exceptions will be granted for significant business reasons only. In the rare event that you sell in a unique category requiring a special exception from the standard policy, follow the instructions in Applying for Returns Policy Exceptions.