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Duplicate Listings Policy
Last updated on Oct 30, 2024
Reading time: 2 min

If a Marketplace item is offered by multiple sellers and it shares the same product identifier (or product ID), the items will be combined into a single listing to help create a better navigation experience for customers. If you submit an incorrect product ID for an item that is already sold on, it may result in duplicate listings. To help prevent duplicate listings, learn more about the policy below. 

What is the Policy? 

Creating duplicate listings is a violation of Walmart policy and duplicate listings will be unpublished from Failure to adhere to Marketplace policies may result in the removal of listings, account suspension or account termination. 

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About Walmart Canada

Walmart Canada helps Canadians save money and live better. Quality products at everyday low prices - that's the promise Sam Walton made when he started Walmart and it's as true today more than 50 years later. We believe in innovation and continue to grow by adding new services like pickup, online grocery, and mobile app shopping. is visited by more than 1.5 million Canadians daily, who can choose from millions of items sold by Walmart and third-party sellers to fit their needs. We make sure their service experience is as amazing as it is in our stores around the world.

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