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The Walmart Marketplace API can be divided into two groups:
Item API: To submit, update and retire items.
Transaction API: To update prices and inventory, and to manage orders.
The API is designed with REST standards in mind. It is designed to have resource-oriented URLs that are predictable and to use HTTP response codes to indicate API errors.
The API Process
Go to the Developer Portal to review the API documentation and generate your credentials. See Generate API Keys for more details.
Build out and test your code. Get your authentication code working.
Get your item and/or transaction code working, including error handling.
Ensure that the code is well integrated with your own systems.
Certify your code and move it into production.
The API specification is language-neutral, but Walmart can provide the best support for sellers who integrate using Java. If you use other languages, language-specific support may not be available.
XML Validation
As mentioned in the API documentation, it is critical that you use an XML validator with Walmart's XSDs to validate your XML. The error messages that are returned from WMP in the case of malformed XML (or invalid values in the XML) may not be as descriptive as what you will get from an XML validator.
Your credentials are generated through the Developer Portal. See Generate API Keys or more details.
If you have an existing set of credentials, they will be invalidated if you generate a new set.
Only Admin users are allowed to generate credentials.
Important API Reminders
If you have forgotten your API private key or have encountered authentication errors, please regenerate your private key for resolution.
Please do not send inventory for the SKUs which are not setup. This will end up in SKU not found error.
New items that are set up will reflect in our systems after 4 hours. If you send inventory for these new items before the 4-hour period, you’ll receive a “SKU not found” error.
Use the right parameters to trigger requests. Example: /v3/ca/items request takes the SKU as an input but it wouldn’t work with GTIN, UPC or other references.
When using order APIs such as getOrders or release orders, you may see a 404 error with the description, “Failed when called getAllOrders. Orders not found for given search parameters". This error is expected at times. We are planning to change the response code and description in the future.
Reference Seller SKU name while you update inventory and not the Walmart SKU name.