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There are many reasons why an item may change statuses. To identify which items have changed statuses, please follow the steps below.
Download your Item Report from Seller Center
- Go to the Manage Items page.
- Click the Download icon from the Action Bar.
- Select Download Catalog from the drop-down.
- Download your catalog. Your file may take a while to download due to the number of items you are selling. A .zip file will be saved to your computer when the file has finished downloading. The file name will start with "ItemReport".
Review the column called Status Change Reason
The Status Change Reason column in the Item Report will state the reason your item changed statuses. All of the reasons listed aren't necessarily due to an item becoming unpublished. For example, an item's status may change because the end date has passed. The table below contains the most common reasons for an item's status change, and what actions you can take to rectify the issue.
Status Change Reason | Action You Should Take |
Main Image Missing |
Offer End Date Has Passed |
Price Leadership Not Satisfied / Reasonable Price Not Satisfied | This rule applies if a customer would save drastically by purchasing the item on a competing website. Items in violation of this rule are unpublished. When unpublished item prices are back within an acceptable range, you can e-mail your Key Account Manager to request that your item be republished. More details are available here. |
Trust and Safety Violation | Your item is violating the rules and regulations of your Walmart Canada Marketplace Seller Agreement. Please resubmit your item to meet the standards outlined in the Agreement. ** Note: If this item would be considered a grocery or consumable item, this message may appear due to restrictions described in the article Prohibited Products Policy. ** |
An internal error occurred while publishing this item | A system error occurred while processing your item. Resubmit the item. |