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Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS)
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This article shows you how to access your payment statements and transactions in Seller Center. Navigate to the Payments dashboard to view a summary of your payment activity per settlement cycle.
You can use the dropdown to select a Settlement Period summary. You can select any available closed settlement period, or view your balance for the open pay cycle as well. The open pay cycle represents all transactions generated since the close of the last settlement cycle. Balances appear in this view approximately 24-48 hours after you update an order to Shipped.

Payment Reports
Various reports are available to download using the Download link in the upper right corner of the Statements screen. You should review the Payments Report each pay cycle to verify that all transactions were processed as expected.
- Select Export This Page for a PDF version of the account summary statement.
- Select Older Statements to download a CSV file with details for all order activity during the payment period, such as shipping charges, commission rates and more.
- The Older Statements option provides detailed reports for older settlement cycles.
Column Header | Description |
Sales Order ID | The Order Number that the Walmart customer receives. |
Sales Order Line Number | Customer order line number. |
Purchase Order ID | A unique number assigned to a specific Purchase Order. |
Purchase Order Line Number | The line number within the Purchase Order of the particular SKU that was ordered. |
Transaction Type | This indicates whether the transaction was a sale, refund, rejection, reimbursement or a Ship With Walmart (SWW) deduction. |
Ad Spend Fee | The amount from the Walmart Connect advertising program. |
WMC GST/HST Amount (GST/HST137466199RT0001) | GST/HST charged for the Walmart Connect services. |
WMC PST/QST Amount (QST1016551356TQ0001) | PST/QST charged for the Walmart Connect services. |
Customer Invoice Number | Customer financial invoice number for payment. |
Customer Invoice Date | Date the customer was invoiced for the shipment. |
Seller Invoice Number | Seller financial invoice number for shipment. |
Seller Invoice Date | Seller financial invoice date. |
Seller Invoice Disposition Date | Date the transaction is sent to accounts payable for remittance. |
Shipped Qty | Shipped item quantity. |
Offer ID | Offer ID of product sold. |
Walmart SKU ID | Walmart SKU ID of product sold. |
Seller SKU ID | Seller ID of product sold. |
Product Tax Code | Product tax code for the item as defined by the seller. |
Item Name | The product name. |
GTIN | GTIN, UPC, or EIN of product sold. |
Ship To City | The city to which the product was shipped. |
Ship To Province | Province to which the product was shipped. |
Postal Code | Postal code to which the product was shipped. |
Shipping Method | Standard or Express. |
Line Amount | Total cost of product sold (the sum of all quantities on that order line). |
Line Shipping Charge | Shipping fee charged for shipping the product. |
Line Fee | Environmental fees or other fees charged based on the tax code selected for the product. |
Line Tax | The tax charged to the customer for product sold. |
GST/HST Remit by Seller | GST or HST for the product sold that will be remitted by sellers. |
GST/HST Remit by Walmart | GST or HST for the product sold that will be remitted by Walmart. |
PST/QST Remit by Seller | PST or QST for the product sold that will be remitted by sellers. |
PST/QST Remit by Walmart | PST or QST for the product sold that will be remitted by Walmart. |
Tender From Customer | The total amount the customer was charged. |
Referral Rate | Referral rate of the product sold. |
Referral Amount | Amount Walmart will be keeping as a referral fee. |
Effective Tax Rate | Tax Type and Tax rate applied to the referral fee charged. |
Referral Tax Amount | GST/HST and/or QST Tax amount calculated on the referral fee charged. |
Payable To Partner | The total amount that the seller will be paid, net of all other deductions. |
WFS Type Fee | This indicates whether the fee type is a Fulfillment or a Storage fee. |
WFS Fee Amount | The total amount that the seller will be charged for the WFS order. |
WFS PST/QST | GST or HST charged on the WFS fee Amount. This is based on the province of the Walmart Fulfillment Center where the item was shipped. |
WFS GST/HST | A unique number assigned to this WFS order line. |
WFS Transaction ID | The total amount that the seller will be paid, net of all other deductions. |
Settlement Date | The last day of the settlement cycle. |
Opening Balance | The pending amount to be settled during the start of the cycle. This amount is carried forward from the previous settlement's closing balance. |
Net Sales | The actual sales made in that pay period. |
WMC Ad Spend Fees | The amount from the Walmart Connect advertising program. |
Total From Other Activities | The total amount from other Walmart Programs which you participated in, such as Marketing activities, etc. |
Closing Balance | The balance amount to be settled, this will be carried forward as an opening balance to the next settlement cycle. |