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Walmart Canada Marketplace requires sellers to provide valid tracking information for their orders at the time of shipping confirmation. Valid tracking information allows customers to stay updated on the status of their order and reduces the number of seller contacts and claims related to order fulfillment. Sellers should aim to meet a target of 80% valid tracking for their shipments.
Tracking information is considered valid if the tracking number:
- Belongs to one of the supported carriers below and the shipping method is Standard or Expedited.
- Walmart systems will validate the formatting of any Tracking # submitted for these carriers. If the Tracking # is found to be invalid for the carrier, you will receive an error notification in Seller Center.
| ||||
| ASL | Canada Post | Canpar | CEVA |
DHL | FedEx | Globeistics Inc. | Loomis | Purolator Inc. |
| Swyft | SWW Ground via Purolator | SWW Express via FedEx | Tforce |
| USPS |
- You can only select Other from the dropdown if you are NOT using one of the supported carriers for the shipping methods listed above. If you choose Other, you will be required to provide the Tracking URL manually.
- Entering a tracking number for one of the supported carriers as Other, will cause your tracking number to be invalid.
- For sellers using Channel Advisor - If you perform an update via the Channel Advisor UI, please select the appropriate carrier from the selection or dropdown with all the required tracking details. Channel Advisor automatically selects the correct carrier from the list of approved carriers on Walmart Canada Marketplace. If the carrier is not found, they will send the update as Other with the tracking information.
- Is properly formatted.
- Does not contain special characters (e.g. ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /).
- Can be tracked through the website of the carrier indicated by the seller during shipping confirmation or generated by the system for supported carriers.
Letter Mail
- When using Letter Mail to ship orders, ensure to select LetterMail as the carrier. This will indicate to internal Walmart teams that the package has been shipped, but without valid tracking. This will help to resolve Customer inquiries. Customers will now be notified that tracking is not available for this shipment.
As a reminder, shipping via Letter Mail should be avoided whenever possible and only used for very low-priced items. Use of this option will be monitored, and misuse could affect your account standing.
Local Delivery
When using Local Delivery or an Internal Fleet to ship orders:
- Ensure to select OTHER as the Carrier, and enter the PO# (Example. Y22741400) of your order as the Tracking #.
- Then input "Local Delivery” as the Tracking URL.
Best Practices to ensure valid tracking information is presented at all times.
- Don't use OTHER in place of the carrier's name, if you ship orders using any of the integrated carriers listed in the chart above.
- Once you confirm shipment, Walmart generates a tracking URL on your behalf and shares it with the customer.
- Failure to specify the actual carrier name, if supported, will break the URL generation process and negatively impact customers’ experience. Tracking numbers from the supported carriers with the carrier name selected as OTHER are considered invalid.
- The tracking URL is required if carrier name is OTHER. This allows a customer to track the status of the order in My Account.
2. Verify that the combination of the carrier name and tracking number in the shipping confirmation is accurate.
- When Walmart generates tracking URLs for customers, it uses the carrier names and tracking numbers that you provide at the time of shipping confirmation.
- Mismatch between the tracking number and carrier name (e.g., a UPS tracking number with FedEx in the carrier name field) will break the URL generation process and negatively impact the customer's experience. Tracking numbers with a mismatched carrier name are considered invalid.
3. Confirm that the tracking number field contains a single tracking ID in a proper format.

4. Change the status of PO lines to shipped once the package is in the carrier’s hands.
- Occasionally, sellers relabel packages that are ready for carrier pick-up. If relabeling generates a new tracking number, you are responsible for providing the new tracking number to Walmart at the time of shipping confirmation.
- If you fail to provide the new tracking number, the customer will be unable to track the order and Walmart will consider your tracking information invalid.
Sellers are responsible for providing accurate information, ensure that you double-check the tracking number you enter. Tracking information or Order status cannot be edited for after being submitted for tracking upload, or cancellation.
5. Consider using large reputable carriers to fulfill 100% of your orders.
Walmart currently supports shipment status updates from all carriers listed in the Integrated Carriers chart above. - If you're using small or regional carriers that are not integrated with, you may not be able to meet the 85% valid tracking target.
6. Don't use competitors' delivery services, such as Amazon Logistics (AMZNL), to deliver Walmart orders. Non-compliance may result in warnings, selling restrictions, or even suspension (temporary or indefinite).
7. Avoid using Letter Mail or Pre-Paid Envelopes to ship orders with carriers where possible. These type of shipping methods regularly generate Customer escalations due to no visibility of their package’s location. Sellers using these methods will also be responsible for reimbursement of any order reported not delivered when using them.