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Sellers should always maintain current company information in Seller Center. Updating your business address when you move is an important compliance and operational requirement, as it may affect the taxability of goods, tax filing obligations, and other important business factors. Please review your current legal business address in Seller Center and submit any required changes immediately. This article provides the steps needed to update your business address in Seller Center.
Update Business Address in Seller Center
- Click on the Settings icon
- Click on Taxes under the Partner Profile section.

3. Click on Edit Tax Profile to make changes to the business address.

You cannot click Edit if you submitted changes recently and they are still under review. For additional information, see the Review Process section in this article.
4. Select a reason for the change and upload supporting documentation.
Important - Upload the following supporting tax documents based on the update you’re making to avoid delays.
Updating the Business Address – upload the following:
- Articles of Incorporation (AOI) or Notice of Assessment (NOA) or Business License (BL) (must show legal company name and the registered address).
- Utility bill or bank statement. Must be dated within the last 6 months and have the company name and the registered address same as the AOI.
- Screenshot from the tax website showing Canada TRN details.
- Screenshot from the tax website showing PST details.
- Screenshot from the tax website showing QST details.

In some cases you may need to upload supporting documents for both updating your Business Address and Tax Registration.
5. Check the box to acknowledge that the information provided is accurate and complete.
6. Click on Submit Changes.
Review Changes
- The submitted changes are effective immediately after approval and you do not have to take further action.
- If our team denies your updates, the submitted changes do not go into effect, you can re-initiate the process (or) and you will need to create a Partner Support case to complete your request.